The sludge it ends up making looks heinous. Apparently vegetables can boil down into nothing and turn into mush. To make matters worse, I still have to eat this. Grimacing, I choke down a few mouthfuls and cover it heavily with salt to mask the taste, if not the texture.
My potion turns out better. I boil water to add to the concoction and then strain it through cheesecloth as I’ve been shown, then wait for it to cool before pouring it into vials and then administering it to myself. When I’m done, I’m exhausted, and the kitchen is an utter mess. Multiple pots are crusted and filthy and there’s no one to clean them but me. And when the fire burns down, I have to scoop the ash into a bucket and toss it into the garderobe like I’ve been told, because you can’t let ash build up.
Gods, why did no one tell me it was so much work looking after yourself? This is a nightmare.
Every night (at least, I think it’s night) I spend my time by the front door, waiting for Balon’s return. When I finally hear him call out again, I all but cry with relief.
“Princess?” His voice is low, near the bottom of the door.
“I’m here,” I say quickly, dropping down to the blanket and pillow I’ve set up here for his visit. The candle I have with me is low and sputtering, but I don’t care. I’ll walk back in the darkness if I have to. “You came back.”
“I did,” he says, sounding pleased with himself. “It was difficult for me to get away, but I managed. I did not bring a rooster, though. Or rather, I brought one, but the moment I opened his cage, he flew away. I do not think he will be of much help.”
“That’s all right,” I say happily. “I’m just glad you’ve returned.”
“I have, and I bring news!” Balon tells me. “Your sister has given birth, Lady Candromeda. She has had a fine boy and he shows no signs of the blood sickness.”
I press my fingers to my mouth. Oh. That’s good. That’s very good. “And she’s well? Erynne? No birthing fevers?”
“She is strong,” Balon reassures me. “She was out of bed and back to her court duties within two days. She has named her son Allionel, as the king requested.”
I make a face in the darkness. Allionel. The name means “Son of Lionel.” Of course he’d insist his child be called that. Ugh. How my sister puts up with that pompous boor in her bed, I have no idea. It’s not a Vestalin name, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
Balon laughs at my silence. “Are you stunned, lady? I am surprised you did not hear the bells celebrating from even here, they were so loud. All over the kingdom people have been celebrating the birth of a fine, strong heir. I’m told even King Lionel fights harder with the news.”
“That’s great,” I say, even though his words irk me. Hear the bells, indeed. This tower is remote, and the walls so thick I cannot even hear the seagulls outside. “Is the war going well, then?”
“Very well,” Balon reassures me. “The king thinks Darkfell will be conquered within the next month.”
“So soon?”
“Aye. He says they are no match for our fierce warriors.” There’s a pause. “What of the Fellian you are trapped with? Have they been troubling you?”
“I barely see him,” I admit.
“Him?” Balon sounds shocked. “You are trapped with a man?”
“No, I’m trapped with aFellian,” I remind him. “I would hesitate to call any of them men.” I think of the creepy glowing eyes and hulking form and try to match it up with the stories I have heard of their appearances. I have heard them called devils and monsters all my life, with hideous gray skin and clawed hands and feet. That they can dwell in the shadows. Suddenly I’m a little anxious as my candle sputters. “The Fellian ignoresme, just as I ignore him. We have an unspoken agreement. He sticks to his portion of the tower and I stick to mine.”
“Do you have a weapon to defend yourself?”
“I do,” I say, touching my bodice. My sister’s knife goes with me always. Strangely enough, I’m not worried about the Fellian. He’s given me space and left me alone. Most days it feels as if I’m in this tower by myself in the darkness. I never see him and rarely hear him moving about. Other than his supplies in the root cellar, he might as well be a ghost.
“If he threatens your honor…” Balon’s voice trails off.
“What?” I taunt. “If he threatens my honor, what? You’ll stand outside and shake a fist in his direction?”
“No, Balon. If you’re so worried about my honor, help me get free from this prison!”
“You know I cannot.”
“I know youwillnot,” I remind him. “Cannot and will not are two very different things. You will not, so you do not get to worry about my virtue, understand?”