At times, she really doesn’t. I know it’s because she’s trying to see the big picture instead of individuals, that the more people that show up at the castle needing hand-outs that it puts a strain on resources, but sometimes you have to think with your heart and not your head. I think about the poison Erynne sent me to use on Nemeth and wonder if she’s locked her heart away permanently.
If so, that’s a sad thing for a ruler. “She’s probably not as bad as I make her sound.”
I hope.
Nemeth glances at our surroundings. His wings give an agitated little shiver, and then he folds them tightly against his back. “This roof seems to have held together, and this cottage is comfortable enough for you, isn’t it?” He touches the high back of one of the wooden chairs. “There is no seating for those with wings, but I imagine for a human, it’s quite cozy.” His gaze slides to me. “Perhaps you need to stay here for a few days while I travel ahead and hunt some supplies.”
“What? No. Absolutely not.”
“Be reasonable, Candra.” Nemeth crosses the room and crouches at my side. He takes my hands in his larger ones. “This travel is unpleasant, and you’re not as strong as me. If it’s miserable for me, I can only imagine how awful it is for you.” He rubs my hands, gazing into my eyes. “I could leave the foodstuffs with you, and you would have to administer your potion yourself for a time but?—”
I shake my head. “No, Nemeth. You can’t leave me. I’m the only chance you’ve got. Think of what they did to the Fellian at the last village.”
He grimaces. “I haven’t forgotten. But I could slide through shadows, steal from people if they won’t welcome me?—”
“And then you’ll be as bad as the rumors make Fellians sound! No. We’re a team, remember? We’re doing all of this together.” I hold tight to his hands, squeezing them as if I can force my opinion on him. “If you leave me behind, I will never,everforgive you. So get that thought out of your head.”
“Candra,” he says softly. “You’re sick. I won’t let this travel kill you. That would destroy me.”
Is that what this is, then? Because I threw up this morning, now he wants to leave me behind? Telling him the truth might further convince him that I need to remain behind, but I can see the worry and stress on his face. If nothing else, maybe I can take some of that away. “Actually, we do need to talk. We need to have a long discussion and compare notes.”
He tilts his head, curious. “Compare notes? About what?”
“About Ravendor. About your ancestors. About my ancestors.”
He tries to pull his hands from mine. “Candra—now is not the time for a history lesson.”
I shake my head, clinging to his hands and refusing to let go. “Just…humor me. All right? I swear I’ve got a point. And we’re not going anywhere tonight. So come lie down with me and tell me the Fellian version of Ravendor Vestalin.”
“Please. It’s very important.”
Nemeth rubs his jaw, and it’s clear he wants to keep arguing with me—or rather, keep trying to convince me to stay behind in this little cottage. He looks around and then goes to the door, checking the bar over it one more time and then shoving a chair under the handle to reinforce it. After that, he comes and sits uncomfortably on the edge of the narrow bed.
“Lie down,” I tell him. “You’ll be more comfortable.”
“This bed isn’t big enough for both of us,” he protests.
“Then I’ll lie atop you.” I beam at him as if this is the most simple of answers.
His cock twitches in response and I know I’ve won. With an annoyed (but defeated) expression, Nemeth lies back upon the bed, stretching out. It’s a hay tick mattress and not as comfortable as the down ones we had in the tower, so I know it’s difficult for him to get comfortable. Once he settles his large body in, I climb over his bulk and sprawl across him.
Nemeth immediately puts his hands on my hips and settles me in place, the tip of his hardening cock brushing between my spread thighs. “You’re doing this to distract me, aren’t you?”
“I’m not,” I promise. “And you’re the one that’s putting me in the most distracting spot.” I wriggle in place, deliberately rubbing against his shaft and then folding my hands over his chest and propping my chin up on them. “I promise to be very still. Now tell me the story.”
His eyes narrow and he watches me for a long moment, as if trying to determine my goal. His hand goes to my hair, still damp from the weather, and he twines a lock around one finger. “Let me think.”
“Don’t hurt yourself.”
He tugs on the strand of hair, a reluctant smile curving his mouth at my teasing. “Naughty thing.” One hand slides down my back, his fingers trailing over my spine. “Let me think. I don’t know that you’ll like the story.”
“I don’t expect to like it. I just want to hear it. I imagine the Fellian version of events is very different from the human one.”