“Mmm. We can avoid that one, I think.”
I chuckle. “It’s pretty useless for one such as me anyhow.”
“Why is that?”
I wave his question aside. “Most of court likes drinking games, or flirting games. Things that involve kissing.”
There goes his cloak again, shaking with agitation as the wings underneath move. Is he even aware that he’s doing that?It’s such an obvious tell that I think perhaps he has no idea. “I doubt you would want to play such things with me.”
“Are you kidding?” I laugh. “I am up for any kind of game. And while I’m not a huge fan of kissing old men in a game, I’ve done so in the past, just because I like to win.” I give him a sly look. “Did I mention that I’m competitive?”
“Gods help us both,” he mutters. Nemeth gestures at me, his big hand motioning where I’m nestled in bed. “You pick the game. I will play.”
I consider, turning the onion over carefully in my hands. “Do your people have games they play?”
“Ours are mostly ones of skill. Flight games.” He shrugs. “I do not think you would be able to play.”
No, I suppose not. I consider the games I know that can be played without additional props or people. I can’t think of anything that doesn’t involve rather lascivious sorts of things or court frivolity, so I decide to make one up. “I suppose we could play…Secrets.”
“Yes. I give you a challenge. Something small, like ‘Go across the room and touch the wall’ or whatever. If you decide not to perform my challenge, you must tell me a secret instead.”
Nemeth frowns at me, moving to sit on the stool beside the bed. “This sounds like a foolish game.”
“Highly foolish,” I agree. “But did you have another way you were planning on spending the afternoon?” I give him a challenging look. “Is your day full of meetings? You have many things to discuss with your advisors?”I lift a corner of the blanket and peer under. “Are your advisors hiding under here?”
He chuckles. “Fine. Fine. You win. We shall play your secrets game. All right?” When I beam approval at him, he says, “Who goes first?”
“Me, because I’m the lady.” When he raises a brow, I nod. “Those are the rules. I swear. All right. For my first challenge I…” I look around the room, trying to decide. Then, the idea hits me and I hold out my onion. “I want you to eat another one of these peppercorns.”
Making a face, Nemeth takes the onion from me and pulls another peppercorn free with his lips. They lock around the kernel in a rather impressive sort of way that fascinates me, and then he pulls the toothpick free and crunches down on the peppercorn. A moment later, he grimaces and gives his head a shake, but he doesn’t sneeze once.
“Very nice,” I tell him. “Now you’re doubly my suitor, aren’t you?” I give him a sly wink. “I suppose it’s a good thing we don’t have the minced nut cakes for fertility.”
His cloak shakes violently even as he narrows his eyes at me. “You are trying to embarrass me.”
“I am,” I agree. “I find your embarrassment utterly charming.”
There’s a pained expression on his face, but his cloak gives another vigorous flutter.
“I told you I’m a flirt,” I warn him.
“You did.”
“Should I stop? I can tone myself down if you feel uncomfortable.”
Nemeth shakes his head and runs one hand over his cluster of horns. “I would rather you be yourself. Pay no mind to me. I am just a blushing, bookish sort and not the type to go toe to toe with a court lady.”
“So you are blushing,” I tease. “Excellent.” I shift in the bed, curling my legs underneath me as he hands the onion back once more. “Now it’s my turn. Dare me something or force me to tell a secret.”
He scratches at the base of one horn. “A dare, eh? Let me think.”
“Don’t vex yourself,” I tease. Oh, I’m having so much fun.
Nemeth gives me a quelling look. He rubs his chin, thinking, and glances around the room for inspiration. “I should dare you to…”
“Something wicked,” I encourage, practically bouncing with anticipation. “Something naughty. Make me do something naughty!”