And I’m very, very thankful for the sacred pot.

Ranan strokes my back with one hand, even as he pulls back to thrust again. “My wife.”

“Yours.” I feel dreamy with bliss, and when he surges into me again, I want to stay in this moment forever. I feel good. Sexy. Wanted. “All yours.”

I work his lower cock again and he groans, pushing against my hand. My grip is awkward due to the angle, and it doesn’t feel like enough. “Can I put my legs together?” I ask him. “Will that bother you?”

He makes a tortured sound and one hand tightens on my hip. “The flotilla could fall apart and it would not bother me in this moment.”

Smiling at the thought, I bring my legs together slowly, and as I do, I rub the slick length of his cock between my thighs andgrip it. It changes how everything feels—now he can’t plunge as deep inside me, but when he thrusts forward, his second cock shuttles between my tightly-pulled-together legs. “Is this better?”

“All of it…is good,” he answers, voice thick. “So good…” He sinks deep again, squeezing my arse as he does.

“But is this how your people do it?” I ask, my toes curling when he bottoms out inside me.

It steals my breath away and I forget all about making this as good as I can for him, because my own pleasure gets in the way. Keeping my thighs rigidly together increases the friction on my pussy, and when he thrusts his second cock forward, it drags against my cunt. The head pushes between my thighs and I press it up so it can rub against my clit when he moves again. My whimpers turn into choked cries as he works me relentlessly, and when an orgasm quivers up my legs and spirals through my body, I welcome it. I cry out his name, clenching around his cock, and Ranan’s gritted curse tells me he feels my body reacting. I wring every bit of rapture I can from his thrusts, until I’m so sensitive between my thighs that I have to move him away or it’ll drive me mad.

“Amazing,” I wheeze, when I catch my breath.

“You…I felt that,” Ranan says, his hands roaming over my back. “That was incredible.”

By the gods, it absolutely was. My toes want to curl again when he twitches inside me, and I feel every bit of it. I move my fingers between my legs, seeking out his second cock. The head of him is slick with seed, but not enough for him to have come. He’s still hard inside me, too. “You didn’t come.”

“Not yet. I’m enjoying myself.” His thumb grazes the cleft of my ass.

“Is that how your people do it?” I ask him again, drowsily curious.

Ranan pauses. “Women of the seakind have…two entrances to receive a mate.”

Two wombs. Two channels. Whatever you call it, I’ve only got the one…but I’ve also got a nice, erotic imagination. “So do I, if you think about it. And we’ve got plenty of oil.”

He goes still over me. “Is…is that something you would want, Vali?”

“We could try it. I don’t mind trying. We can see if it’s something we both enjoy. If you want to, that is.”

He makes a pained sound, as if the very thought is almost too much for him to take in. “I would try it, aye. Bury myself in both of your wet heats? I would love to.” He skims a hand along my buttock again. “It wouldn’t harm you?”

I chuckle. “Not if we grease everything properly.”

“You truly are the most amazing of wives,” he tells me. “To think I found someone so eager and willing to take me, all of me…”

He sounds amazed, like he’s not handsome and gorgeous and rich and thoughtful. He doesn’t realize that I feel like the lucky one. That I should be sending a dozen fish to Vor every day in gratitude for bringing Ranan into my life. We’re still figuring each other out, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I want to spend the next fifty years of my life figuring him out. “I’m the lucky one.”

“To have a tongue-tied boor of a mate?” He scoffs at the thought.

“You can’t help it,” I murmur, arching against his touch as a bit of oil is dribbled into the crease of my backside. A moment later, his fingers are there, teasing at my back entrance. “And we’re getting better at figuring each other out…ooooh.”

He presses something into my arse. It might be a finger. Might be a thumb. It just feels big and invasive and intriguing all at once. Ranan plays with the pucker of my arse for a time,easing first one finger and then adding a second and stretching things. All the while, he tells me how beautiful I am, how enthusiastic and clever, and how I’m the perfect bride for him. All the while I wriggle and moan under his fingers.

“You think you’re ready to take me?” he asks after I’m squirming once more.

I nod.

He pulls his cock from my body, leaving me hollow and aching. Behind me, there’s the sound of wet oil being slicked over his cocks again, and then his cock is at the entrance to my body…and at the entrance to my backside. He presses in slowly, pushing against my body’s natural resistance even as I try to relax and bite back my whimpers. It doesn’t feel bad, just…strange. Different. My body relaxes, letting him sink in, and then his other cock is filling my cunt.

Ranan presses forward, and I feel very…full. Perhaps overly full, but as he pushes into me, I notice that every sensation is heightened. Even breathing in feels like an explosion of nerves. I can feel Ranan’s every twitch, the pulse of his body. And when he moves forward and then draws back to gently thrust into me, I let out a sobbing breath.

“Good?” he asks, voice tight.