An even better idea than mine. Just the thought of it makes my core ache, as if my body is desperate for the very same. “Oh, I want that, too.”

He moves up my body and kisses me, this time on the lips. A small smile curves his mouth as he gazes down at me, and that hungry, possessive look comes over him. “You’re certain?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I’m bigger than a human male. And I have two.”

“I noticed, aye.” His uncertainty is adorable, and ever so slightly baffling. “Why would I have a problem with that?”

“My bride should enjoy her wedding night. I just want to make certain we both are enjoying.”

“I’m enjoying everything, I swear.” I run my now-freed hand over his shoulders, appreciating his strength. “I’ve had sex before, Ranan. Nothing we do will surprise or frighten me.”

He nods. “I’ll get the sacred pot, then.”

Did I just say he wouldn’t surprise me? I guess I was wrong, because I have no idea what a sacred pot is for. But I want Ranan to keep on going, so I prop up on my elbows, necklaces sliding to my sides, and watch as he crosses the tent. He picks up a small earthenware jar and returns to my side, his expression the one he wears when he’s ill at ease. I’m curious what he’s so uncertain about, so I watch with interest as he pulls the small lid off the jar. A light, perfumed fragrance fills the air, and he dips his fingers in. They come out gleaming and slick.


Of course there’s oil involved in a wedding night if the groom has two cocks. It makes perfect sense to me, and I smile my approval at Ranan. It’s very considerate—as a virgin, what wouldn’t I have given for someone to oil me up to ease things that first time? “What a thoughtful custom. I’ve never used such a thing.”

“No?” He flexes his greased fingers, and they’re so large and blunt that the small movement sends a hot needle of arousal through me. I can’t wait to watch him touch himself with his slick hands. They’ll just glide over his cocks like butter on a hot roll, and the thought makes me bite back a moan of hunger. I’ll get to watch that before he puts himself inside me, and it feels like the best sort of present.

But Ranan doesn’t touch himself. He puts one slick hand on my pussy, stroking his thumb over the seam of my sex. “I want to make sure you can take me without pain, Vali.”

“I don’t mind a little pain.” Sometimes it can be exciting. And it’s not as if he’s setting out to hurt me. If he gets a little too eager and doesn’t go as slow as he could, I wouldn’t hold it against him. I’d just coach him through it for next time.

Ranan’s gaze meets mine. “I mind your pain.”

That might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I open my mouth to tell him so, but then his slippery,oiled fingers stroke over my clit, and I nearly come out of my body with the intense bolt of pleasure that soars through me. “Ranan!”

“I have you,” he murmurs, and strokes his fingers lower, teasing two of them into my core. My body is already wet, and the oil on his hand makes a wet, squelching sound as he fingers me, but gods, it feels so good. I don’t even care about the loud, embarrassing noises of my cunt. All I care about is that he keeps doing this.

I fall back on the blankets, my thighs spreading wider. “What…what about children? Should we do something to prevent them?”

He shrugs. “There are sea plants that prevent a pregnancy, if you want such things. I’m happy either way.”

“I am, too.”

“My lovely, eager bride,” he murmurs, and there’s such pride in his voice that it makes me ache. His fingers glide in and out of me in a careful, precise rhythm. He strokes into me a few times, then adds another finger, stretching my body.

I’ve never been so slippery, so wet, and so damn eager for my lover. I whimper his name, my hands going to my nipples to tease them while he drives into me. “Ranan, please.”

He groans, moving up my body to kiss me even as he pounds into me with now four fingers. “You think you can take me, sweet Valessa?”

“Yes,” I whine, nipping at his mouth as he pulls away. “Give me everything.”

“Not everything. Not yet.” He kisses me again, his tongue teasing lightly against mine, and then puts his hands on me to turn me over.

I roll, helping out, and push my hips into the air as I get on hands and knees. I’m eager, all right. So very eager to have him over me, inside me, filling me…

Ranan’s larger body presses against my backside, and as I watch, he takes one cock in hand and drags it through the slippery mess between my thighs, slicking it. He notches himself at my entrance, and then presses in. And…gods. It’s glorious. I gasp as he pushes into my channel, and his cock feels enormous and thick. The other brushes against my thigh, and I reach between my legs to touch it and press his length against my pussy even as he feeds the other into me.

He hisses with approval, then grunts as he seats himself to the hilt inside me. His other cock pushes against my hand, and I drop my elbows, pressing my cheek against the blankets so I can use my hand on him.

“How does it feel?” he asks.

“Shockingly good,” I breathe. I want to flex my hips, to try to get comfortable with what feels like the world’s most enormous prick spearing me to my core, but the feel of him brings its own sensation. My skin prickles all over with awareness, and I can feel his every twitch. It’s like we’ve become one.