That changes today.
I stroke her thigh with a confident hand, as if I am soothing a fractious hamarii. “Relax, my wife. We will try this, and if you hate my touch, we will never do so again, I promise.”
“I’ve never hated your touch,” she says, voice soft. Her hand goes to her ear, as if recalling all the times I’ve been tongue-tied around her and showed how I felt with a caress there.
It makes me ache all the more. “Then trust me to pleasure you and enjoy myself while I do so.”
“It’s just…difficult.” She squirms against my grasp.
“Because you are giving control of your body over to me,” I state, guessing why she is so hesitant.
“I just…in bed is the one place where I have some control. Where I can get the upper hand. Are you sure I can’t just pleasure you?” She sounds desperate.
“I’m positive.”
She makes a pouty sound and puts her fists on her thighs. “Then let’s just do this and get it over with.”
If I didn’t know her better, I’d be offended at her reluctance to let me touch her. But I know the reason behind her reticence. I know how Vali likes to put on a brave face to hide hervulnerability. I am not put off by her actions. It just makes me want to taste her even more.
I nuzzle along the inside of her thigh, pulling her down towards my mouth.
“If your leg hurts,” she begins, “we should?—”
“Hush,” I tell her. “Just hush, my Vali.”
“Hushing.” Yet she trembles all the same.
I kiss along the inside of her thigh, moving towards the tuft of curls that cover her cunt. She smells delightful here, of salt and brine, of feminine musk and delicate skin. It’s a combination that feeds the feral side of me, the side that wants nothing more than to toss her down onto the bed and thrust both cocks into her willing body.
But that is not happening. Even if my leg were whole and I were capable, I want Vali to want to be with me because she enjoys the pleasure of our bodies equally. I do not expect her to simply service me. That is not the act of a wife, but an eager slave.
And I am not interested in slaves.
So I put all my focus into making this moment good for Vali. I touch her all over, and with twice as many hands as her, it’s easy enough to accomplish. She makes soft little sounds when I caress her thighs and the curve of her belly. I want to touch her breasts, too, but her arms rest over them. Next time, then. I move my face closer to her cunt by small increments, and when she no longer tenses at the feel of my lips on her skin, I give her a tentative lick and then wait to see her reaction.
Vali sucks in a breath.
“Was that good?”
She squirms in my grasp again. “I…I don’t know. It feltdifferent.”
Hm. I do not have tothinkif Vali’s mouth is good when she tongues my cock. I know all of it is good. The fact that she hasto pause and consider means I am not doing it the way I should. I drag my tongue over the seam of her cunt again, experiencing more of her taste, but I do not get the rapturous moans that I want from her. “Better?”
“I think so?”
It feels like a lie. Her mouth says yes but her body is still full of uncertainty. And Vali lies when she fears I won’t like the truth…so it is not better. I move my tongue over her again and her folds delicately part under my seeking tongue. I use one hand to gently expose her flesh, and she is damp and her skin is darker here. A small nub protrudes from the apex of her cunt folds, and then her folds veer down to the opening of her body, and then the pucker of her anus. It’s all fascinating, and I touch a reverent finger along the inside of one delicate fold. She jumps in response, and the tension re-enters her body.
I wish I was not so ignorant of how to please her. She knew just how to please me. I need a demonstration of what touches she enjoys and?—
Aha. That’s the solution.
I slide my hand away from her cunt and tap a finger on the outside of one leg. “Show me.”
“What?” Her voice wobbles and she glances down at my head from where I’m perched between her thighs.
“Surely you’ve touched yourself before, aye?”
Her face colors and she gets an embarrassed expression. “That is a private question.”