“I’m sure you will be.”
“Then be brave and claim your pleasure, wife.”
She wrings her hands. “What if I don’t enjoy it? I’ve never done this before.”
“Then we will stop.”
“But what if you enjoy it and I don’t?”
“There are a great many things I enjoy, Vali. If you hate it, I can avail myself of one pleasure and focus on the ones that bring both of us joy.”
She hesitates for a moment longer and then sighs heavily. “Your pleasure is far more important than mine. You realize that, right?”
“You’re my wife now and no longer a slave. You realize that, right?” I jab back.
Vali scowls and sits delicately on the blankets next to me, folding her legs under her. “I see your point, but this is new territory for me. You’ll have to forgive me if I seem reluctant. It’s not that I don’t like pleasure or don’t trust you…”
“It’s that it’s vulnerable and you don’t like being vulnerable,” I guess aloud, and she grimaces again. “I would be honored if you would let me try this. If you hate it, we never have to do it again.”
Vali chews her lip again, then nods and smooths her hands down her simple dress. She gets to her feet, eyeing me. “How do we manage this?”
I gesture at my head. “I thought you could sit upon my face.”
I say the words casually, as if I haven’t been contemplating this very thing all night. As if I haven’t been wondering what it would feel like to have her thighs clasping my ears, to feel the weight of her upon my face as I press my mouth and tongue against her cunt. As if I haven’t been making myself crazy with the thought of touching her.
Of what sounds she’ll make when she’s pleasured.
Gods, I’ve been thinking of nothing else since we mentioned this yesterday.
Vali sinks down to her knees by my shoulders and then carefully leans forward, easing one leg over until she’s straddling my neck. Her dress falls over my face and I sputter.
She giggles, pushing the fabric off my chin to expose my grin. “Do you want me naked for this?”
“I’d love to have you naked,” I admit.
With a little smile, she pulls her dress over her head and tosses it away, and then she’s atop me, gloriously naked. Her weight is solid for a human, but to me, she’s light. She trembles, but she doesn’t beg off again. She’s determined to see this through.
My brave wife.
I run my hands up her thighs as she adjusts herself, her knees parted and her feet out to the sides. She leans forward on her hands again, then hesitates, clearly trying to decide the best position. “I’m still not entirely sure how to do this, Ranan.”
“Let me.” I grip her flanks, holding her in place, and one of my lower hands anchors at the small of her back so she can lean against me. We maneuver and wriggle about a bit more, and then she relaxes, leaning back against my grasp.
The scent of her envelops me, and it’s intoxicating. She smells like musk and arousal, and I know without touching her that she’s turned on by the prospect of me putting my mouth on her. My own cocks are fully engorged, throbbing with an aching need that won’t be fulfilled. This is about her.
I take one hand and put it between her legs, running my thumb over the seam of her cunt. It’s shrouded by a nest of dark curls, but I don’t mind that. In fact, I rather like it. It’s just another small difference between our bodies, and I enjoy all of hers. Exploring Vali is like adventuring to new, fresh waters…yet even when I have learned every bit of her form, I suspect I will still enjoy touching and caressing her.
She trembles as I move a hand between her thighs, and that makes me pause. “I have you, Vali. I have four hands to hold you up. I will not let you fall.”
Vali doesn’t look down at me. “I’m not scared you’ll drop me.” Her voice sounds tight. Uneasy. Uncertain.
“Then what is there to be afraid of?” I want to brush my mouth against the soft skin of her thighs, but I want to make sure my touch is wanted, first.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Do you trust me, wife?”
She nods jerkily, as if she hates to even give this small concession. Her unease makes me ache, because pleasure is such a simple thing. Has no one ever thought to touch her in a way that would bring her joy? I hate that she has been surrounded by people that have used her only for what she can give them…and I am no better.