“You can disturb me. I’m your wife.” And she beams another smile my way.
I do not know what to say to all of this, so I simply grunt.
Her hand strokes over my side and I freeze. It seems a small, simple gesture and that I should ignore it. I can’t, though, because both of my foolish cocks rise once more. “I hope it’s all right that I rearranged some things to give additional living space,” she murmurs, watching my expression. “I tried to remember where everything goes so if you don’t approve, I’ll move it back.”
“Do what you like.”
Vali grins at me. “Are you just being accommodating because I’m your wife?”
She chuckles, running her fingers over my skin. “I should complain about that, but I can’t bring myself to. It’s rather nice.”
I just watch her, my heart thudding in my ears. Her nearness is distracting, to the point that thoughts float out of my head and disappear, and I am left with nothing but silence between my ears. All because she smiles and her face lights up.
She pokes my side. “How do you live here with all this clutter anyhow?”
“I…don’t live here?” At her confusion, I elaborate. “I spend more time on Akara’s back, raiding. Sometimes I visit family, but most of the time I just…drift.”
Vali bites her lip. “Am I going to be keeping you from your lifestyle? Or will you be leaving me behind when you go raiding?”
I frown. “Why would I leave you behind?”
She shrugs, the movement nudging her chin against my arm. “I don’t know. I just thought you wouldn’t want me around. You do leave a lot.”
“Because you can’t swim with me.”
“Oh, so when I feel better we’ll swim together?”
I haven’t given it much thought, but I also didn’t think about leaving her behind, either. So I grunt. It seems as good an answer as any.
“I do need to get a fish for Lord Vor,” she says. “I haven’t forgotten my prayer to him.”
“I can get it for you.”
She shakes her head. “No, it has to be me or it doesn’t mean as much. I want the god to know I am truly grateful that he’s looking out for me. So I need you to take me fishing.” She flinches, as if realizing how demanding that sounds. “Please.”
I grunt again, distracted by the hand playing against my side. “When you feel better.”
“Oh, I don’t know, I feel pretty good now.” Her tone takes on a singsong cadence, and her fingers tickle across my stomach. “The first two days are always the worst. I think the tea is helping, too. You?—”
She breaks off as her hand grazes over the head of one straining cock.
“Oh,” Vali breathes. A bright smile wreathes her face and she reaches down and firmly grips my cock in her hand, sending a near-ecstatic clench of pleasure through my sac. “Look at howhardyou are. Shall I help you with this, my husband?”
I want to say no. That I have a plan. That we’re going to wait.
But my foolish mouth betrays me.
I don’t sayno.
Her eyes light up. “Now’s a very good time, aye. You sit back and let me handle everything. I’ll make you feel so good.”
And there’s so much delight and pleasure on her face that I can’t backtrack my words…and gods help me, I don’t want to. Her excitement fuels mine. This can’t be real—her enthusiasm. I am trapped, and like the weak, selfish fool I am, I’m going to let her do with me as she pleases.