“Always important,” Colter agreed. “So, that takes care of the upstairs, and you already saw the kitchen when we came in from the garage. The family room is just off the kitchen and is the only room in the house that has a television.”
“Works for me,” Hugh agreed, “I don’t watch much TV. Really, I never have time.”
“Well, I’m afraid that might not change much, while we’re opening the bar. Hopefully, things will calm down after the place opens,” Colter said. He had been working so long on his bar that he couldn’t remember the last time that he sat down and watched television. Hell, he didn’t have time for much of anything since he took on the bar, but that was a price that he was willing to pay.
Hugh barked out his laugh, “I think that you’re underestimating how much time this place is going to take, even after it opens. We’ll both be exhausted but in a good way.” Colter felt like he couldn’t get the goofy grin off his face even if he wanted to. Every time he even thought about the bar opening, he felt euphoria that he hadn’t felt before. He guessed it was the excitement of finally realizing his dream and honoring his grandfather at the same time.
“I can’t wait,” Colter admitted. “I’m dying to see my bar filled with people having a good time, making memories.”
“Yeah, that will be nice to see,” Hugh admitted. “Listen, do you think that me working for you and living here is going to be a problem?” he asked. Hugh followed Colter down to the kitchen and sat on the barstool at the kitchen counter.
“I don’t think it will be an issue,” Colter said. Hugh wasn’t sure if he believed him or not. He didn’t know his new boss well enough to know if he was being truthful or not.
“Really?” Hugh questioned.
Colter sat down next to him and pulled his cellphone out of his pocket. “I think that we need to order some food and have this conversation while we eat,” Colter said. “I’m hungry and you said you’re starving. I think that we might need to come up with some house rules—you know so that we don’t cross the boundaries at home or work.”
“Boundaries?” Hugh asked. “Do you really think that some rules will make everything less confusing?”
“What exactly are you worried about?” Colter asked.
“Everything,” Hugh breathed. “I mean, what if we get sick of each other, being under the same roof and working together?”
“Is that all you’re worried about?” Colter asked. He wasn’t worried about getting sick of Hugh at all. Instead, he was thinking that if they fell into bed together, that might cause some problems, but he had a feeling that he wasn’t going to tire of Hugh any time soon.
“What else is there to worry about?” Hugh questioned. Colter could almost see his wheels turning. Hugh knew exactly what he meant, but he was going to make Colter spell it out for him.
“What if we end up together—you know, like in bed?” Colter asked.
“Well, you have a few bedrooms, and from what I saw, they all had beds,” Hugh said.
“Jesus,” Colton growled, “that’s not what I mean, and you know it. What happens if we have sex?” he almost shouted.
Hugh shrugged, “We won’t have sex?” he insisted.
“It’s as easy as that?” Colter asked. “We’re two gay men in a town with few options, and we’ll be spending a lot of timetogether. You can’t just say that we won’t have sex and that’s that.”
“Right, and I understand your point, but there is one thing that you don’t know,” Hugh said.
“Oh, what’s that?” Colter asked.
“I’m not attracted to you,” Hugh admitted. Colter wasn’t sure if he believed him or not. A part of him didn’t want to believe that Hugh didn’t want him. Every time they were in the same room together, he could feel the electricity that seemed to hum between them. But the way that Hugh looked at him right now, he was telling him the truth—even if it hurt his damn feelings.
“Okay, well, that’s settled then. I’m not your type, got it. How about we set up a few house rules after I order dinner, and then, we can get some sleep,” Colter offered.
“Sounds good to me,” Hugh agreed. Colter pulled his cell from the counter and found the number for the only Chinese place in town. Luckily, they delivered because he was dog-tired, and driving was the last thing he wanted to do. Actually, continuing their conversation was the last thing that he wanted to do, but Colter knew that running up to his room to hide wasn’t going to be an option. No, he was going to have to stay and face Hugh—like it or not.
Hugh felt like an ass for lying to Colter, but what option did he have? None, not if he wanted to keep working and living with Colter separate. He thought that his new boss was the hottest man he had set eyes on in a long time, but telling him that wouldn’t end well for either of them—not if he wanted to keep his job.
“So, about these rules,” he said, taking a bite of the lo Mein that Colter ordered for dinner.
“I thought that you didn’t want to make any rules,” Colter said.
“No, I said that we won’t have sex, but a few rules might help us out around here. Like, who’s getting a shower first before we head into the bar for the day?” he asked.
“You really want to make a bathroom schedule?” Colter grumbled.