“So was Ryan,” Torey answered. “Until he wasn’t. In fact, we’re meeting up in Belgium as soon as his latest mission is over.”
That sounded exciting, but I wasn’t the girl who got an exciting whirlwind romance. It was always the same thing with men. I was too boring. Too curvy. Too nerdy. Not exciting enough. And those were regular men, not a millionaire musician. “Belgium seems nice.”
Torey groaned. “Come on, Kayla, he’s really a nice guy.”
“I know that, but I’m not setting myself up for humiliation. Or worse.” I already knew how easy it would be to fall under Mac’s spell, and I knew exactly how that would end: tears and heartache for me, not to mention watching him move on every time I turned on the TV or went to the supermarket.
“Just think about it,” Torey insisted before the guys returned with drinks.
It was all I thought about for most of the evening as Mac showered me with attention: his scent, his big hands, and his beautiful mouth. I wondered how it would feel against my lips, on the rest of my body.
Then I wondered if I could have a casual, temporary fling with my rock star neighbor.
She smelled so good. Like a bouquet with a hint of mint and rosemary, which was really fucking annoying because how in the hell do I even know what rosemary smells like? Because that’s what Kayla did to me. That plump red smile and the way those hazel eyes glittered when she was genuinely amused, it was the total fucking package. I realized as we sat inside the Ol’ St. Nick Pub that for the first time since high school, I had a crush on a girl. No, on a woman because Kayla was all woman.
And I was hella interested.
“So,” she looked at me with those long lashes and smiled again. “How’s the songwriting going?”
I searched her gaze for any signs she was looking for more, the way most people did when they asked about my work. She just seemed curious, because unlike most of the people I came in contact with, Kayla had a very busy life that had nothing to do with celebrity gossip. “Okay,” I finally answered. “But a lot slower than usual, unfortunately.”
“The world tour was a lot, wasn’t it?”
Again, I studied her beautiful face and again I found her sincere. “Yeah. It was a fucking dream come true. Seeing allthose countries made me realize the reach of my music. It was everything I hoped it would be and more.”
Her lips tugged into an answering smile. “Sounds incredible. But?”
“But it was exhausting. At least one show a day almost every day for a year.” I felt like such a dick whining about a world fucking tour.
“Sounds like you might be burnt out.” It wasn’t a judgment, just a statement of fact. “It happened to me, and I knew I needed a break or I’d have a breakdown at the wrong time.”
I couldn’t imagine it. “So what did you do?”
“I rented a room at one of those mom-and-pop ski resorts in Vermont and stayed there for two days. I slept, I ate, I skied, and did nothing else. It was perfect.” She studied me this time. “Maybe that’s what you need?”
My lips pulled to one side, and I leaned in close. “Are you offering to spend two days with me in a cabin in the woods?”
Her head fell backward, and a throaty, sexy-as-fuck laugh spilled from her lips. “Not exactly, but maybe you need something normal in your life, and if not normal, just not rock star-related.”
Was she angling for a date? “And just what do you have in mind?”
Kayla licked her lips, and I had to bite the inside of my jaw to keep from moaning. My mind instantly conjured up the image of those red lips wrapped around my cock, leaving a trail of red marks across my abs and chest. “Well,” she began, but she was cut off by a new arrival at our table.
“Lancaster,” the woman with huge tits in a too-tight t-shirt purred. “Buy me a drink?”
I put on my best friendly smile. “No can do, enjoying some time with friends.” I stared until she got the hint and left. “Sorry about that.”
“If you want to go,” she began. “Feel free.”
“I’m right where I want to be, Doc.” I winked, and she rewarded me with that irresistible blush. Again.
“If you’re sure.”
“I am. Positive. Now, what did you have in mind to heal my burnout?”
“I don’t have a lot of time, but a few hours in the evenings, and we can make a pretty great float for the parade. If that’s your thing, I mean.” She looked away nervously, and I just wanted to lean in and taste her mouth.