“I don’t run the department, Edith. Reginald does.”
“Only because he’s older than dirt. We all know you’ll have that job in no time.”
“Thanks, Edith. We’ll do an x-ray, and if everything looks good, you can go home tonight.”
“All right. Can my boy toy come along to hold my hand?”
She turned to me with a half-smile and shook her head. “He can come with you, but he can’t hold your hand. No boy toys in the x-ray room.”
“Totally,” I agreed with a smile. “But maybe I should just wait for you in reception.”
“Party pooper,” she said, sticking her tongue out at me.
I stood and opened the door.
Kayla pushed Edith in a wheelchair in the corner of the room and turned to face me before I left the exam room. “You should stay in here. It’s private and,” she gestured to me from head to toe, “you know.” She turned back to Edith and pushed the chair down the hallway.
I laughed. It was the most she’d said directly to me since she came into the room, but her voice was soft and husky, with a breathy quality that shot straight to my dick. I tamed the beast by sheer willpower before Edith returned with a clean x-ray, then got the fireball home.
“I’ll get your scooter to you tomorrow. Promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Mac. And thanks for helping an old girl out.”
“My pleasure. See you tomorrow, Edi.” With one last goodbye, I jumped back into my rental car and punched in the directions for my temporary home, located on May Day Lane, becauseof courseall the streets in this town are named after holidays, big and small.
The realtor called it a mid-century modern home with an open floor plan, not that I knew what the hell any of that really meant. The place was spacious with one story, and the price was right. That was good enough for me.
And it was home sweet home for the next month or so.
I walked across the parking lot of the medical center, feeling a little giddy. Okay, more than a little giddy.I met Lancaster!Fine, I didn’t technicallymeethim, but I spent time in a very small room with him. I put my hand on his chest—hisverysculpted chest—and I made him laugh.I talked to Lancaster!It was surreal, and I was still buzzing from that handshake—pitiful, I know—as I made my way home.
There was one person I could call who would totally understand my fangirling. “Torey, I just met your rockstar bestie.”
There was a long silence before Torey squealed. “Oh shit, girl, did you freak out?”
“Inside? Absolutely.” I laughed, blushing with embarrassment in my car. “But on the outside, I was a smooth medical professional. He brought Edith in.” I shared as much as I could without breaking any confidentiality. “How does he know Edith?”
“As far as I know, he doesn’t.” It was crazy to think that he and Torey were such close friends that they texted and talked,even when he wasn’t in Holiday Grove. “Are you crushing on him?”
Maybe a little. “Nope. But goodness, he’s even more delicious in person.”
“I know, it’s ridiculous, right?” Torey laughed. “He’s arrogant, but he’s also charming and sweet, so go easy on him, Doc.”
“Me? I doubt I’ll even see him with how much I’ve been working, so it’s not a problem.” Holiday Grove was a small town, but it wasn’t that small; at least I didn’t remember it being so.
“We’ll see,” she hummed. “Anyway, I need to get ready for my call with Ryan. Let’s talk again soon.”
“Okay. Good night.” Being back in Holiday Grove was nice. This place was home. I knew every inch of this town, and even with the additions of new businesses like Nix’s bakery and the new pizza shop, I knew it like the back of my hand. I loved all the holiday-themed businesses and streets, and all the wacky ways we managed to celebrate every little thing.
I hooked a left onto May Day Lane and felt my shoulders start to relax. I rented a two-bedroom modern ranch home because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do yet. I didn’t have much in the way of student loans; being a nerdy girl had one definite upside—scholarships—but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to buy a home yet.
I pulled into the driveway instead of the garage since it was early March and the days were getting warmer, then dragged my exhausted body into the house, where I kicked off my shoes and hung my bag on the rack beside the door. My growling stomach had me rushing to the kitchen to see what there was to eat. The answer was simple.