That did it; it broke the dam, and she laughed until her face was red. She laughed until she cried. And then she gave methat lookbefore she said the words I longed to hear.

“Let’s get out of here, lover boy.”


Mac was insatiable as we turned onto our block after a long day, his lips on mine and his hands tracing the curves of my body, forcing me to walk backward toward his place. My place? I had no clue, and honestly, with the way he kissed me, I didn’t care. We could fall off the earth, and I’d follow for that kiss. “Kayla,” he growled, nipping from my jaw to my throat.

“Mac,” I moaned. “Don’t stop.”

He pulled back and flashed that devilish grin. “Never.”

God, that sounded like music to my ears. Mac, never stopping. Not ever. “Yes.”

A throat cleared nearby, and even then, it took us a few moments to separate, and even longer to tear our gazes from each other and onto the intruder. The six-foot-tall, leggy intruder. “Lancaster,” she purred. The woman was gorgeous, with long black hair, almond-shaped violet eyes, and plump lips. She was decked out in skintight jeans, high heels, and a cropped tank that stopped just below her perky breasts. In a word, she was stunning.

And she clearly knew Mac.

He stiffened beside me but slid his arm around my waist and held me close. “What are you doing here?”

She smiled. “I’ve missed you,” she said with a hint of an accent.

I watched, fascinated by the differences between them. Both were beautiful, but where she was hopeful—maybe even expectant—he was clearly unhappy. I wasn’t sure if I should walk away and give them privacy or stay, but Mac’s grip tightened, and I remained where I was.

“That’s funny because I haven’t thought about you in years, Angel.”

The heat in her eyes dissipated. “I’m sorry. I was young and confused, impressed by little things.”

He snorted. “You’re two years older than me, so tell me why you’re really here or get the hell off my doorstep.”

Her jaw clenched tight, and her plump red lips pursed with displeasure. Her gaze flicked to me, to the possessive way Mac held me, and then she sighed. “Can we do this in private?”

“No. The world, at leastmyworld, doesn’t revolve around you anymore.”

Her apologetic, pouty façade faded away at his gruff words. “Fine. I need to borrow you for a few nights,” she said, looking directly at me. “I’m up for a new Dior campaign, and the other model is young and social media savvy. I need to top her millions of followers, and you can help me with that.”

He stared at her for a long moment; his hard glare never thawed. “No thanks.”

“But it’s only for a few nights. A few dates, and that’s it.” She watched Mac, her hope fading. “If you don’t do this, I’ll simply spark the rumor that you and I have rekindled and that you’re cheating on your small-town doctor.” Her smile was brittle. Wicked.

“And when I come out and say it was the delusions of an almost washed-up model, what will happen to your chances with Dior or anybody else for that matter?” Mac exhaled, gripped my hand, and brushed past Angel. “Have a nice life. Or don’t. I don’t give a shit.”

As soon as we were inside, I put a hand to his chest. “You didn’t have to do that on my account.” I was happy he did. “If you want to help your ex, you should.”

He barked out a laugh. “We dated years ago, and she cheated on me, so I’m not inclined to help her out. Besides, why would I do anything to screw up my chances with the world’s most amazing woman?” Then his mouth was on mine once again, kissing me until I was breathless and clinging to his broad shoulders. He pulled back with dark eyes and that devilish grin that set my panties on fire.

I smiled back and hooked one leg over his hips. “Mac, you drive me crazy in the best possible way.”

His smile grew. “Kayla, you are a fucking gem. Everybody wants something from me. My agent wants me to make him more money. My band wants my songs. Money, fame, access, or just to be seen with me. But you just want me the way I want you, and that is sexy as hell.”

My heart raced. I felt myself falling completely and totally head over heels for this sexy, sweet-as-pie rock star. There was only one thing to say to that. “Show me.”

He did.

Three times.


“Mac, we have a problem.” Kayla stood in front of me with wide, frantic eyes; her pulse raced in her throat.