A yawn split my face as I nodded. “Yeah, okay. I’ll leave my phone on, so call if you need me. Seriously, I’m going to crash, so I’ll be rested enough in about three hours.”
“Five,” he shot back. “If I need you after five hours, I will call. Good night, Doctor.”
“Good night. Good luck.” The cool night air didn’t do much to wake me up, but I made the short drive home with all the windows down and the radio turned up higher than usual just to ensure I made it safely. “Home sweet home,” I said as I turned onto my block, but those words died a quick and traumatic death when I spotted a group of people loitering on my lawn. “What the hell?” I stepped from my car, and the group immediately flocked to me, asking questions that strangers had no business asking.
“Dr. Kayla Stevens? Are you dating Lancaster?”
“Kayla, how is he in bed?”
“Is it love?”
“How many times a day do you have sex? Is he as insatiable as claimed?”
I froze at their vile questions before my emergency training kicked in. Symptoms: reporters and paparazzi invading my space. Diagnose: escape, immediately. I jumped back into the car, grabbed my phone, and called the one person I knew who could handle this mess. “Mac, are you home?”
He must’ve heard the tension in my voice because he didn’t make any jokes. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Reporters on my doorstep asking me really personal questions.”
“Fuck!” It sounded like he set aside his guitar and got to his feet. “I’m coming out now.” True to his word, the door opened within seconds, and he stalked toward me. He opened the driver’s side door and smiled. “Hey Doc. How’s it going?”
“Better now.” I shook my head, feeling foolish. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have called you. This probably makes it worse for you.”
He sighed. “Don’t worry about me; I can handle myself just fine.” He flashed a teasing smile and flung an arm around my shoulder. “They know if they show up where I don’t want them, I’ll use so much bad language they won’t have anything usable.”
I laughed and shook my head. “Smart.”
“Don’t forget pretty,” he added with a laugh. “Come on.” He walked with a slow, easy gait, completely unbothered by the questions being fired at us.
“Thank you, Mac.” I kicked off my shoes just inside the door and sighed heavily as I removed my coat and the band from my ponytail. Each item removed felt like a layer of tension easing from my body. “I’ll head out as soon as they leave.”
“No need for that.” He took my hand and pulled me through the house, into his bedroom, and into his attached bathroom. “First, a hot shower. Afterwards, you can tell me what else you need.”
Was this… was Mac taking care of me? I knew he was a caring man, a good man, but this felt like book-boyfriend material.
“Chop chop, Doc.” He turned on the water, and seconds later, the room began to fill with steam.
“Yeah, okay. Thanks.” The hot shower was exactly what I needed, and I took my time, scrubbing the day away and washing my hair. I stood there until the hot water turned lukewarm, smiling to myself as Mac’s scent surrounded me. I stepped out of the bathroom and found a Lancaster t-shirt on the bed.
“Feeling better?”
I turned to find Mac staring at me with heat in his eyes. “Yeah, a lot better, thanks.”
I nodded. “Starved, but I’m not sure I’d stay awake long enough to eat anything.”
“Bed, then?”
I nodded again and crawled onto the large, plush bed as another yawn escaped. After I shimmied under the covers, I laid my head on the pillow with a contented sigh. “Thanks, Mac, for everything.”
The blanket lifted, and the bed sank under his weight as Mac slid in behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “No thanks necessary,” he whispered in my ear and kissed the back of my neck. “Good night, Doc.”
I moaned and snuggled in closer; his scent and warmth comforted me. Aroused me. The truth was that this thing with Mac was starting to feel more than casual. A lot more, and it was confusing. Falling for a rock star wasn’t in my plans for the spring, but the more I tried to avoid it, the harder I fell.
“You’re too wound up to sleep,” Mac whispered. “Let me help you sleep, sweet Kayla.” His hand skated down my waist and hips before he gripped my ass and pressed his erection into me.
“Mac,” I moaned and arched my back. “Yes!” The word escaped on a hiss as one finger slipped in from behind.