I blinked, confused. “You thought about kissing me?”

He nodded slowly, licking his lips while wearing that panty-melting smile. “Since you opened the door wearing those itty-bitty pajamas.”


“Yes.” He nodded, but his smile faded and darkened when I slid down his body. “You’re going to kill me, Doc.”

“Maybe,” I laughed, taking off at a slow jog. “Maybe you’ll be playing my male nurse.”Oh my god, did I really just say that?

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

I laughed, and as we reached the bottom, I realized it was the most fun I’d had with a man in a long, long time. “Would it be a good time?”

He nodded slowly. Sexily. “I think it would be a damn good time. As soon as I find a male nurse uniform.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me close, kissing me until I was dizzy.

“Make sure it shows off lots of cleavage. And leg.”

The sound of his deep laughter hit me straight between the legs, making for a thrilling and messy run home.


Three days.

Three days stuck in the house, doing nothing but walking around and avoiding mirrors, making sandwiches, and staying off social media. What I haven’t been doing? Writing. Singing. Humming, even. And finally, on the third day, the music has returned. Maybe it was the taste of Kayla still lingering on my tongue or the way she felt under my palms. Her curves were soft, her skin silky, and my cock grew at the thought of her.

Whatever the reason, the music was back.

It returned late last night, and I was so excited that I grabbed my guitar, a pad, a pen, and my recorder app, staying up all night. Hell, I still hadn’t slept, and it was close to noon. I didn’t care.

I wasn’t tired either.

I was invigorated. Energized. Shit, I was inspired, which hadn’t happened in far too long. Sure, I had made songs that topped the charts, sold well, and kept the nameLancasterin the public eye, but those songs didn’t inspire me. They were catchy and semi-emotional, but they weren’t real.

What I had jotted down so far? Real.

Really fucking real.

My phone chimed on the coffee table, and I smiled when I saw the message from Kayla.

Kayla:Knock. Knock.

I replied immediately.

Mac:Who’s there?

The next message that came in was a photo of Kayla with my front door behind her.

I was on my feet in an instant, rushing to the front door, eager to see her in the flesh. “Kayla.” She was wearing another pair of jeans—black this time—that had to have been painted on by Da Vinci, and a cream sweater that drew my gaze to her gorgeous tits.

“Hey.” She was breathless and smiling. “Am I interrupting?”

I nodded and stepped back, waving her inside. “A welcome interruption. Have you come for another kiss?”

Her cheeks flushed prettily as she passed me into the house before turning to face me with a shy, sexy smile. “No, actually. Well, maybe.” She shook her head as if to clear the fog. “I brought food and badges for beer pong.”

I reached for the bag, but she held it away from me. “Hey, what gives?”

“You should know that Nix and Lee are also entered.”