My hands slide under her cloak and find the waist of her slacks. I tug at them, dragging them over her ass, panties and all, but can only go as far as her knees. She’s forced into a squat position that works perfectly for me as I free my cock and impale her.
We both moan, both of us desperate for this connection. I guide her up and down over my shaft, faster and faster. It isn’t making love. Not about pleasure. I’m not even sure it’s fucking. It’s a needful joining that has us both lost to anything but each other in this moment.
When I come, she presses herself into me more, as if she wants to take me as deeply as I can go. Then, she remains like that, with me inside her, for several minutes.
I caress her cheek, her neck, her breasts. She shuts her eyes and drops her head back and sighs.
“I’ll call every day,” I promise. Lifting her shirt, I draw her bra over a nipple and kiss it reverently. “When I do, I want you to remember my tongue. My teeth.” I bite her. “I want you to touch yourself for me, Little Bird. Will you do that?”
She looks at me, watches me as I take her breast into my mouth. “I’ll do that. But in return, I want you to keep your hands off your dick. No touching. No coming. I want you to think ofmytongue,myteeth, on you, and I want it to hurt.”
I stop and peer into her eyes. “If that’s what you wish.”
With a growl, she gets off me and pulls her pants back on. Then, without waiting for me to assist her out, she exits the car.
Gavin and his men are waiting at the entrance. I nod at him and he gives me a look that says he’s not thrilled about helping me, but he’s on the hook.
“Gideon,” he greets.
“Gavin,” I reply. “I trust all security measures are in place.”
“She will be safe and comfortable, I promise.” To her, he says, “Welcome to The Red. We’ll make you feel right at home.”
“Until someone yanks me from it,” she answers, rudely.
Gavin lets out a breath. “Right. If you’ll follow us.”
She makes to go after him, but I tug on her arm and stop her. “I’ll be back before you know it, Little Bird.”
“Just go,” she says, her voice tight, before she leaves me standing there, staring after her.
Father came out to Shiloh’s paddock.
“You’ve done a good job with her, son,” he commented as he watched me handle her.
I beamed with pride and ran my hand over her velvety muzzle. “You taught me well.”
“I’m glad you think so.” He tugged something out of his coat pocket, and I realized with horror that it was a gun.
“What are you doing?”
“It’s time for a new lesson. There will be instances in your life where you’ll have to make a hard choice. Something you love, for something you love even more.” He motions me closer. “Take this.”
I do as he says, my hand shaking. “I don’t understand.”
“You’ve got a pet, Gideon.” He glances toward the manor.
All the blood seems to drain from my body as I look in that direction too. “I don’t know what you?—”
“The girl has lived here for six months. Did you believe I wouldn’t learn of her existence within my own house?”
“I allowed it for one reason alone. To teach you this.” He lifts a finger. “The girl or the mare. Only one can live.”