“Don’t finish that sentence if you want to live,” I hiss in a tone so full of menace, it frightens me. It takes me a moment to regaincontrol of the protective reaction that just came over me. “I’m sorry. It’s just, she’s my baby.”
“Of course.” The doctor seems completely unfazed by my threat. “Very well. In that case, I will recommend a change in diet as well as some vitamins.”
“Thank you.”
“Also, I should add, it would be best if you go to a clinic for checkups.” He gathers up his things and comes to stand by the bed.
“I don’t think Gideon will allow that.”
“He has the means to bring the clinic to you, should he choose to.”
There’s a knock on the door. “May I come in now?”
“How did we get into this mess?” I ask the doctor.
He arches a brow. “Are we in need of a sexual education class?”
“That’s not what I mean. I’m only twenty-one. I have plans.” Or had them, until Gideon barged in.
“Would you like me to stay while you tell him?” he offers kindly.
“I’ll be fine.”
The doctor leaves and Gideon comes in, his face gaunt, his hair a mess. Two of the cats follow him in, as if they too were pacing with worry.
“What did the doc say?” he asks. “Why won’t he tell me?” He comes to sit by my side, his hands all over me.
“I’m fine.” I swat them away. “It’s just morning sickness. Except, it’s been happening all day long for a week.”
He blinks at me, his hands frozen on my face. “Morning sickness?”
“I’m pregnant, Gideon.”
Again, he blinks. Confusion fills his gaze, as if I’m speaking a foreign language he sort of understands, but it takes a while for his brain to translate.
“You’re pregnant,” he repeats. “How?”
“Do you need a sex ed class?” I say, using the doctor’s words.
Gideon goes even paler. “I...” Beads of sweat form on his brow. I grab the puke bin and offer it to him, but he shakes his head.
Suddenly, he stands. He moves from one end of the bed to the other, then to the bathroom and back. All the while, his fingers are in his hair, his eyes wide.
He pauses in front of me. “How long have you known?”
“I’vesuspectedfor a few days,” I confess.
“You’ve suspected and didn’t think to mention in?”
“You were dealing with Rowan and I couldn’t be certain it wasn’t just a bug.”
“And you’re certain now? It’s confirmed?”
I nod. “The doctor picked up a test on the way here after you told him of my symptoms. So yes, it’s official. We’re having a baby.”