She laughs. “The day you’re actually able to fuck me up, I’ll let you fuck me too.”
I look at her, then at him. What the fuck is happening here?
However, I don’t have time to dwell on what I’ve just witnessed between those two, because just then, Declan screams, “Enough!” from the second floor.
He aims his gun toward Rowan’s head. I immediately lift mine toward him, ready to take him the fuck down.
Rowan laughs. “You better say your prayers before you fire that shot, Declan. Cause you’ll be only seconds behind me.”
“Better dead than—gurg!” One instant, he’s standing. The other, he’s holding his throat and falling. That’s when we see one of Rowan’s few remaining loyal men, his bloodied blade still in position from stabbing Declan in the back of the neck.
And just like that, it’s over.
With Declan gone, the other men switch their attentions on each other.
Luca instantly finds me. “You’re done, Gideon.”
“Are you sure about that?” I reply. “From my point of view, you’re the one about to meet your maker.”
Luca’s to one side, I’m on the other, and Rowan’s the monkey in the middle.
“Rowan, it’s time,” I tell him.
“Why the fuck would he go with you?” Luca asks.
“Because he’s my brother,” I reply smugly, and revel in the shock that fills Luca’s eyes.
Everyone glances at each other. Luca’s men tense even more.
Rowan seems torn, his head turning from Luca and Louisa, to me.
“If you stay with them, little brother,” I say, my throat oddly tight, “You will die. And I don’t want to fight you. Not today.”
“Then don’t.”
His eyes are sad and pleading. In that moment, I see him as the little boy being dragged away by his mother. I see him crying out to me, and hear the promises I made in return.
He’s not a boy anymore, but my promise remains. I found him. I protected him. I always will.
I look at all of them, lingering on Luca, then Rowan. My lips pull tight. I cannot force him to leave, and I cannot hurt Luca. There’s nothing left for me here.
“Let’s go,” I say to Scarlet. And we walk away.
It’s late by the time I arrive at Kingsbrook feeling more defeated than I have in a long time. My muscles ache and several cuts and bruises cover my body. But that’s not what has me dragging my feet into the house.
I tell myself that Rowan didn’t turn his back on me. That he chose the alliance because it’s what he knows. Until a day ago, he believed me his enemy. His mind still has to come to terms with the fact that things aren’t always as they seem.
He will come back to me, and when he does, I’ll be here.
Yet, as much as I repeat the words, it’s difficult for me to accept them as truth.
That’s what I’m thinking when I walk into the manor, my shoulders slumped.
“Gideon.” Sofia is standing by the fireplace, her expression worried. “I thought you’d be back sooner.”
“You waited up for me?” Something like hope gives me enough reason to smile.
She comes to stand in front of me, her hand lifting to touch a sore spot on my forehead. “This might need stitches.”