Page 9 of Brutal King

“I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“Then watch me from here. I have to come out this way.” When he doesn’t immediately relent, I add, “Please. I won’t be able to go number tw?—”

“I’ll wait here.”

I grin. “Thank you. Oh, and can you get me something to snack on? I was so upset this morning I didn’t eat.”

His jaw tightens but he nods.

It’s not true that I have to go, but the space this affords me is worth hiding out in the bathroom for a few minutes.

Just as the lady said, the bathrooms are located down a short passage. As I’m about to enter, I notice a swinging door at the other end. An employee pushes through it with a cart full of soft drinks and nods a greeting at me as he passes by. But I’m too busy peering through the opening he’s left to reply.

As the door swings open and closed, it allows for brief intervals of light to filter into the hall. Not just any light. Sunlight. That means there’s another door in that backroom that leads to the outside.

My mind shooting into overdrive, I go into the bathroom. I stare in the mirror without actually looking at myself. All I can see is the plan taking shape in my head.

Hit him where it will hurt the most. Make him see. Carina isn’t his only vulnerable spot. I have to make him see!

With a plan fully formed, if somewhat hastily, I grab my phone from my purse. This is what he’s using to track me, I’m sure of it.

“Well, not this time, buddy.” I toss it into the garbage. “Try tracking me now.”

As quietly as possible, I sneak out and peer into the store through the convex mirror hanging in a corner of the ceiling. Victor is still searching for a snack. If I’m going to do this, it’s got to be now.

I bolt, taking off at a full run toward the steel door that leads to the outside, nearly mowing down someone that steps out from between some boxes.

“Sorry!” I yell without looking back. Every second counts and I can’t afford to lose momentum. Hopefully the guy or girl is okay.

When I burst through the door and am hit with that precious sunlight that marked my path to freedom, I start to laugh like a lunatic. “I did it. I did it!”

But I’m not out of the woods yet. I glance over at the bus stop. The bus is there and the last person is climbing in.

“Wait for me!” I call out, running toward it as fast as my legs will go. If I’m going to succeed, I have to get inside without Victor catching me in the act. “Wait!”

I’m breathing heavily, barely able to speak as I reach the doors and climb the two steps to the driver. “Hi. I… I, uh, need a ticket.”

He points to the farebox. “Dollar seventy-five.”

I take out my wallet from my bag. Thank God I went shopping yesterday. I pulled cash out thinking it would keep Luca from finding out exactly where I would be at. While that was a big fail, it did put me in a better spot today.

“Here you go.” I pay, and even add extra cash in his tip jar.

I’m seated by myself all the way in the back as we take off. I smile slyly, staring at Victor’s Cadillac still parked. I got away with it. Now all I have to do is figure out exactly where I’m going.

I could go to Boston. Stay with my friend Marley. She didn’t exactly pass the vetting process, but we got along well until she moved away. We’ve kept in touch enough that I would feel comfortable crashing at her place. It’s not that far from here.

But it’s where I was supposed to be heading in the first place, so it’s possible Luca already has a search party waiting for me there.

Then again, that might be the last place he’d think to find me.

After the bus made its last stop, I walked a mile to the only bar still open at this hour. It’s not exactly a five-star joint, but certainly better than being out there. Besides, it gave me a place to think.

I poke at the soggy french fries on my plate, moving the yellow strings from side to side, wishing they were edible because I’m starving.

“Something wrong?” the guy behind the bar asks.

“I’m not that hungry,” I lie.