“I was too young when he died to remember him.”
“You weren’t too young, Rowan,” I grit out impatiently. “You’re afraid of what you’ll see if you try.”
“All right then. You tell me what I’m supposed to know.”
Tapping my fingers against my glass once more to dispel some of my nervous energy, I say, “Ourfather was working on expanding his shipping business, offering his services to a more…distinct kind of customer.”
“You mean criminals,” he corrects.
My lips pull into a grin. “It’s where the money was. And Father followed the money. This was before he knew the way of criminals, however. He didn’t realize that a contract could only be held with one family at a time.”
“So this was before he got stuck working with Tadesco in Chicago.”
“It was. He came to Boston in an effort to make a deal with the McKenzies. Obviously, he was turned down. They had no reason to trust him. But he got something out of that trip anyway. Your mother.”
“Liar!” Rowan slams his palm against the table. “Finnegan Kane was my father.”
“Finnegan Kane was part of the McKenzie’s security detail. When Shannon called Father to tell him about the baby, he sent for her. But she was smart and knew what Bryan and James would do to him when they found out. So she paid Finnegan for his name. Once they were married and he delivered her safely, he fled to Costa Rica with a lot of money.”
“I was five years old, Rowan, and I remember most of it.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I was there! I fucking carried you in my arms when you were born, Rowan. I was there when you got your first tooth, your first steps. You lived with us untilyouwere five and your mother wanted to leave, soyoumust remember something.”
We stare at each other for several moments.Believe me! Remember when you were a child and I carried you and played with you. When you couldn’t say my name, and you called me Dionne. When I was your world and I desperately wanted to keep you, but you were taken from me.I will it into my gaze, push for it with all my might.
And he does.
With a gasp, he says, “I remember. I remember you.”
For reasons I couldn’t understand as a child, Rowan’s mother was miserable. She cried more often than not, and floated about our large house like a ghost, pale and sad.
She begged to leave, and one day, my father let her.
“Dionne!” Rowan screamed with all his might as she took him away with her.
I ran after them, hands outstretched. But Father snatched me before I could make it out the door. He held me as I screamed for my brother.
“I’ll find you!” I promised.
Rowan was taken away, and then I was the one that roamed the house, searching for my playmate. My brother. My friend.
I was lonely once more, until the day Father brought me to Kingsbrook so I’d forget.
Except, I never did.
“What do you want from me?” Rowan crosses his arms over his chest. “You saved me because I’m your brother. But there’s more.”
What do I want from him? His gratitude. His loyalty. I want him to do for me what I did for him.
“All of your men are dead. Your wife has betrayed you. You’ve lost it all. Except for me.” I point to my chest, punctuating my words. “I’ll always be here for you. No matter what. With my help, you will get it back. The question is, will you be there for me, little brother?”