Gideon growls as he comes, his cock thickening almost unbearably inside me as he fills me. He remains there with his cock buried deep in my ass, as he grabs the camera once more.
“For our next round,” he says, and takes a picture.
We sleep for hours. I wake up aching in that delicious way that tells me I’ve been thoroughly fucked. All because I tried the keypad, what did he say, seven times?
Damn. I was so crazed after discovering Henry, that I didn’t register any of it.
Gideon was right, I did barter for the chance, and I lost. He brought receipts. I had no choice but to pay the price.
I sit up and stare at him. He’s completely out with two cats pressed against his side, sleeping much the way I used to before he barged into my world. As if he hasn’t completely and utterly turned my life upside down and then fucked me in the ass. Literally!
Was it good? Have I now been ruined for anything less than what he’s given me? Absolutely. All the more reason to hate him.
And yet he sleeps on, without a care that I could enact my own revenge. If I were him, I’d sleep with one eye open.
Something comes over me then, an impulse. My hand twitches and my lips curve upward in a mad sort of smile. I’m his enemy. He’s asleep. Vulnerable. I have a chance to kill him. Here. Now.
Reaching for my pillow, I tug it to me quietly. Autumn, or his clone, lifts golden eyes at me with lazy curiosity.
Giving Gideon one last long glimpse, he really is a beautiful thing to behold, I grab the pillow with both hands and place it over his face. I lean into it with all my weight, all the while smiling like a fucking crazy person.
It doesn’t take more than a second for him to react. His limbs fling out and he shoves me off with enough force to knock me off the bed. Both cats meow in annoyance and bolt from the room.
“What the fuck?!” Gideon looks from me, to the pillow, his hair a mess, his eyes wild.
“What?” I ask innocently.
“You tried to kill me!”
I shake my head and blink, but can’t quite form the denial on my lips.
He throws the blankets off and gets out of bed. “I’m going to shower. And don’t—” he points a finger at me “—follow me.”
It’s hard to obey as I watch him go, naked as he is, his ass so perfect I want to bite it.
Yes. I tried to kill him. He’s told me enough times I’m a bit villainous, and maybe he’s right, because I was able to tap into that part of me quite easily. It was a moment of insanity. Psychotic hysteria. Whatever you want to call it.
I still feel it crawling inside my chest.
Throwing my head back, I laugh, because damn, it feltgood.
She came to me in the dark, a scared small thing. Terrified and wide-eyed.
I saw the flash of blond hair through the trees from my balcony. At first, I thought she was a figment of my imagination. She bolted from the woods, toward the house, staying as low as possible.
A girl had made it onto the property without being spotted. Made it past the guards Father had set at intervals around the perimeter, and was close enough to the manor that I could see her dirt smudged face.
“Hey!” I called down to her.
She dropped down and glanced around wildly.
“Up here,” I whisper-yelled. “Look up.”
Her eyes found me in the dark balcony and froze.