The guard comes around the car. “It’s clean, boss.”
“Good. Now shall we go? I’m dying to know everything you’ve learned about Clive’s whereabouts.”
We arrive at Scarlet’s place a short while later, a highly secured apartment in Philly. I find that Maisel hasn’t just been fed and kept safe, but has been playing “sister” with Scar, if their matching pajamas are any indication.
Skye notices this too, and seems alarmed by the fact that her sister has formed some sort of an attachment to an assassin.
It doesn’t matter, I tell myself. What matters is that I end this decade long search.
Without further ado, I motion for them all to join me in the living room. I look at Skye. “It’s time for you to tell me where the fuck Clive Maxton is.”
She straightens her back, ready to negotiate. Ah, so shedoesknow. “First, swear that you will let us go. That once we step out those doors, you will not seek us out. And our debts will be paid to anyone searching for us. It’s what you promised.”
“And I never go back on my word. I swear it.”
She’s torn by this, I can tell. But she has no choice. “He’s beneath Maxton House. Underground.”
I narrow my gaze. “Impossible. There is no underground.”
“There is,” she says with a certainty that can’t be denied. “Apparently, Arran is a lot smarter than you think.”
“You’ll stay here until I can confirm it’s true. If you’re lying?—”
“I’m not.”
Leaning close, I say, “If you’re lying, I’ll kill you. But not before I torture and kill your little sister while you watch. That will be fun, won’t it, Scar?”
Maisel gasps and looks pleadingly at Scarlet. “You’d do that?”
Scarlet doesn’t reply to either of them. Instead, she points a harsh finger at Skye. “You better not be lying.”
“I’m not.”
My eyes snap to Scarlet. There’s something in her tone I don’t like. Something beyond her desire for her to get me what I want. She feels my attention on her, and glances my way, but quickly evades my scrutiny.
What are you up to?
To Skye, I say. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a few.”
I lock myself in Scarlet’s office and call Vicky. “There’s a whole fucking underground at Maxton House.”
“What?” She types away fast. “If that’s true, it’s not on the blueprints.”
“Check again. I need that damned layout.”
“Fuck. Hold on. Let me…” I’m not sure what she’s doing. Minutes pass and all I hear is the clicking of fingernails against keys. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she says, “It’s there. It’s all there. But it’s tied to a building that was demolished in 1910. None of it shows on the new plans.”
“Send me what you have.”
“Yes, sir.”
I go back to the living room and whatever conversation they were having immediately ceases. I sit on the coffee table in front of Skye. “Well, it appears you’re right. There is an underground level.”
“I fulfilled my end of the bargain. Now it’s your turn. Let Maisie and me go.”
It amuses me that she’d think it would be that easy. “You’re too smart to believe I’d do that. First, I want you to tell me exactly how you got into that underground. Every detail you recall.”
“If you already have confirmation the place is there, you also know how to get in.”