“Gunn came out to talk to some of the guards, but he’s back in the house.”
“I don’t give a fuck about Gunner. He’s not of consequence.”
“Speak for your…” she trails off. “Shit.”
“Rowan Kane just showed up.”
I pause, my vision blurring slightly. “Are you sure it’s him?”
“Huge Viking, long blond hair, your eyes… Yup. That’s him.”
“He’s joining them,” I say thoughtfully.
“We knew this was a possibility.”
We knew, but I hoped it wouldn’t come to this. I hoped to spare him having to choose. “You know the rules.”
“Yeah, yeah. If anything goes down, take everyone out, but Rowan. You hear that, Itsuki?”
In the background, I hear his low rumble. “Of course.”
“Not a hair on his head, Scar,” I warn her.
“We’re spectators. Flies on a wall, er, in the car. I’m not planning on getting caught.”
“Make sure of it.” If anyone sees them, all hell will break loose. They’d have no choice but to fight, and Rowan’s presence will make it that much harder for them to escape unscathed.
“What if this doesn’t work?” asks Scarlet. “What if they help her instead.”
“They won’t.” The alliance’s mission is to find me, and they will smell betrayal on Skye instantly.
An hour later, she proves me right. Skye leaves Briar House in an SUV, alone, and at breakneck speeds. Scarlet and Itsuki follow at a distance.
“She’s heading to the warehouse,” Scarlet says.
It’s the place I instructed her to drive to if and when she discovered Clive’s location. It’s a large space I own right outside of Philadelphia, on a street where most of the businesses are manufacturers or sell building supplies.
“I’m on the way,” I tell her. “I’ll meet you at your place later.”
Though the warehouse seems empty, several of my men are housed within. It’s highly secured, and the moment she arrives I’m alerted.
I pull into the lot and drive around the building where the cargo doors are located. As I approach, two black SUVs turn thecorner and join me. One pulls up behind her, the other on the passenger side. I park to her left, effectively blocking her in.
A few of my men dressed in suits step out of their vehicles and stand at intervals around her car. They’re armed and ready should she be hiding any surprises.
Only once they’re in place, do I emerge from my Bentley. I roll up the sleeves of my powder-blue button-up shirt and plaster a grin on my face.
“Imogen,” I greet, using her first name simply to annoy her. “So nice to see you. It took you long enough.”
“It’s Skye,” she reminds me.
“Ah, yes, Skye. I apologize.” I extend my hand and help her out of her high seat and tug her away. One of my men comes to pat her down, checking for any weapons she might have slipped under her clothes. Another, goes through her vehicle and searches for any other passengers.
“I wasn’t expectingyouto show up,” she says. “Figured you’d meet me at that dingy hole you’re keeping my sister in.”
I laugh. “It’s not that dingy. Besides, I knew you wouldn’t try to trick me. You’re too clever for that. That, and I’m sure that by now, you’ve figured out who murdered your father?”