Page 47 of Brutal King

“Hey, you. Where have you been hiding?”

Golden eyes blink slowly at me and I freeze.

“You’re not Winter.”

The cat purrs and tucks his head under my chin. Just as sweet, just as black, but definitely not Winter.

“Are you his brother?” I ask, rubbing his ears.

It strikes me funny that Gideon warned me to be careful about not letting cats into the manor, and there isn’t just one, but two.

“We won’t tell him,” I say. “Hmm. What will I name you? Do you like Autumn? Yeah. I like it too.”

I set Autumn down and make my way to the basement, pausing at the door that leads into the garage, just as I had guessed.

“Should I have my first go?” I ask Autumn.

He replies by weaving between my feet. Not much help.

Touching a finger to the key pad, I gander a guess, though I don’t punch any of the numbers. A sly smile plays across my lips. 666.

Surely it has to be that, but I don’t dare do it yet. It’s too precious an opportunity to use carelessly.

“Later,” I say. “I’ll try it later. Just have to think smart.”

I continue on to the dark room, cat in tow, and gather my camera and film. Making sure Autumn is out before I shut the door, there’s too much he can get into here, I head out on my mission.

Gather photo evidence.

With Gideon gone, I can roam the house and take pictures all day long. Sure, he might still watch me through his cameras, but he won’t be doing it the entire time. I’ll get as many shots as possible that can be taken back as evidence— where his holding cell is, the garage, images of his study. Who knows, maybe I’ll even find a body or two. Now that I’ve figured out this camera, I can be sure that the images I take will be good enough.

My first stop is the grotto. I do this for the pleasure of it, because I’ve never seen a pool like it in real life. It’s huge, expanding almost the entire width of the space, the water lapping against the far wall. I’m reminded of baths in Rome or Greece.

Next, it’s all business with the two steel doors. The hold and the garage. I make sure to capture the numbered keys, focusing on them should there be any indication of wear. Perhaps the camera will see something I don’t and give me a hint to the code.

I move on to the great room and dining, both of which I’ve memorized, but no point skipping. Then I pause at Gideon’s study and through the glass, get as many shots as possible. I zoom into the files on his desk and the portrait of the man over the fireplace. It’s daytime, and he’s not a mere shadow withglowing eyes like he was the first time I was here. He’s fully visible now and so much more terrifying.

If I had to guess on who he is, I’d say Gideon’s father. The man that started it all. Although Gideon is almost identical, the same striking face and silver eyes, the portrait is of someone much older. Harder.

“Evil,” I whisper. If ever there was the embodiment of it, I’m sure this man would be it.

On the second floor are several empty rooms I’ve already walked through, so I choose to bypass them.

The third floor, at least my wing, except for one. Scarlet’s room.

I enter it, going directly to the balcony where the only trace left of her remains.

“People will know.” I take several photos of her name, of the view she had when she was here and of the place she slept. Though I’ll forever carry her with me, I want to have something tangible, proof that she was here. Maybe there was a search for her. Maybe her family is still searching. Maybe they need closure.

Moving on, I stop at the landing before heading down and glance toward the south wing. Gideon’s wing.

“He did say I could go anywhere,” I say to Autumn, only to find he’s gone.

Going that way, I enter the hallway that looks so much like mine. I begin to open doors, finding that in this too, it is an almost mirror image to the north wing. Empty suites, or partly furnished with everything covered in protective cloths.

I enter a few of the rooms to survey the views from their balconies. Even in this I find no difference. Nothing but trees in the distance. Trees and no way out.

The main difference between the two wings is that where the hall of the north would end with a set of windows, this oneends with a set of double doors. They’re tall and beautiful, with gold relief designs far more intricate than any others. I run my fingertips over them, feeling every detail and memorizing the morning glories and birds nestled in leaves.