Page 27 of Brutal King

With the many hours I’ve had to think and plot my escape, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I need a real map of the house. This, of course, can’t be done during the day, when I might run into my captor.

Once I know the lay of the land, I’ll be able to better plan. Otherwise, with my limited knowledge of my surroundings, the likelihood of finding a way to escape him is zero.

I came to this conclusion after carefully considering all my other options. First, I toyed with the idea of scaling down the side of the house. However, unlike Briar House where the walls are covered in wood siding, these walls are smooth stone. I could use a makeshift rope from all the expensive clothes in the closet, but I don’t have confidence in myself that I could make it secure enough. I’d fall and it would be lights out for me.

My only choice is to explore beyond my room. Gather intel. Not only get the lay of the land, but search for anything useful I can use against Gideon.

If I manage to survive this, I’m going to hug Luca and tell him how sorry I am for not listening. Then I’m going to slap him for keeping me so ignorant. In his effort to protect me from Sinacore business, he’s put me in a position where I’m fighting the man hedescribed as his greatest enemy. I know nothing of Gideon Black besides the fact that he’s killed dangerous men for revenge.

And poor Scarlet. He probably killed her too. Was she here for the same reason I was? Did she become a pawn in a war she had no clue about?

“God help me,” I cry out softly, clutching my chest as I force myself to breathe. If Luca is scared of him, what chance do I have?

None if I don’t at least try. Besides, Winter is getting antsy. He’s got to be hungry, and whatever he eats is not in here.

“You can do this, Sofe.” I brace myself and push through the fear.

Carefully, I remove the chair from under the brass lever and open the door. I peer out into the darkened hallway, listening intently for anything that would give away someone hiding in the shadows.

When I’m satisfied Gideon isn’t going to pop out and scare the shit out of me like a jack-in-the box, I slip out.

“Come on, Winter. Quietly.”

As if he can understand me, he follows me as I make my way down the hallway and into the huge open gallery.

The stairway is clear, as is the hall across the way. I peek over the rail and confirm that there’s no one in the foyer down below either.

“Coast is clear.”

Damn, this house is cold. I rub my hands over my arms. I might not have to make it to the woods to die of hypothermia. Enough time away from the fireplace will do the job just fine.

Tightening the hoodie around my ears, I head to the first floor. This time, I don’t bolt for the front door. Instead, I tiptoe a few steps, scan the area, and go a little farther. Bit by bit, I get there, all the while checking every nook and cranny for the master of the house.

To my surprise, it’s unlocked.

Grabbing hold of the massive knob, I open it. No alarm is set off. No one comes out to apprehend me. Could it be this easy?

I take one step forward, out into the freezing cold and stop. I’ve never been afraid of the dark, but this is different. The moonless night is so obscure, all I can gleam are the stars above. The woods are black as ink, one tree is indecipherable from another. Just an endless abyss. If I couldn’t find a way through in the daylight, there is no way I’d be able to now.

Of course he wouldn’t lock the door. Why had I assumed he would? The walls of the house aren’t the true edge of my prison. It’s out there, in the forest, beyond where I can see.

It doesn’t matter. I’m not stupid enough to go out there now. But at least it gives me some insight into Gideon’s mind. He’s confident enough in whatever is out there to leave this door unsecured.

Winter meows as he stares out too. He’s not stupid enough to go out there either.

Getting back on mission, I move around the dimly lit rooms—the dining room with a table big enough to seat twelve, a sitting area I assume is designed to hold guests waiting on meals, and a two-story library.

On the other side of the foyer is the large parlor with the massive fireplace, the only one currently lit even though no one is in there. For a moment, I’m tempted to stand beside it and warm my hands, maybe even turn my back to it and warm up my ass too.

However, it seems like I’d be betraying myself if I enjoy any of the comforts afforded to me by a monster.

Blowing warm breath into my hands, I continue. Farther towards the back of the grand house, I find several useless parlors and closets. As I go, I peer out the windows, hopingto see something different, light beyond the trees that would indicate a house or a building of some sort.


I turn into a narrow hall with wooden paneled walls. There’s a set of locked French doors that lead into what appears to be a study. Gideon’s study.

If this wasn’t my first forage out of my suite, I might try to break into it. He leaves the front door open but locks this room?