Page 2 of Brutal King

Scowling intensely, he asks, “The fuck does that mean?”

“It means, she’s locked away in my castle and I’m her only keeper. And if you kill me, she dies too.”

The full meaning seems to dawn on him and terror fills his eyes. “You’re lying.”

“Perhaps. Perhaps not.” I run my tongue over my teeth to make sure they’re all there, my mouth feels so swollen. All accounted for. “The question is, are you a gambling man? Are you willing to take the risk?”

“Wait!” He raises a hand to stop Noah before his knuckles make contact with my face. “Wait.”

“You can’t believe him. He’s bluffing,” Noah tells him.

Luca stares me down as I’m sure he imagines putting a bullet between my eyes. His jaw tenses and the veins in his forehead bulge.

It makes me smile to see him in distress this way.

“Change of plans,” he says.

“What? You don’t want to play anymore?” I tease.

“Luca, you can’t be serious.” Noah points a finger at me. “If we let him go, we’ll never be free.”

“Ooh, I don’t envy your predicament,” I tell Luca with glee.

“Shut the fuck up,” Luca snaps.

“He’s right, you know,” I continue. “If you let me go, I’ll be a thorn in all your sides until you give up.” Noah glowers at me and I laugh. “Don’t worry. There’s enough of me to go around. I’m good at multi-tasking. I’ll harass Arran too. But Sofia will be alive. So, what will it be?”

“Ignore him,” Luca tells him. “Come with me.”

They leave me without another word. Not even a backward glance.

“Don’t take too long,” I say to their retreating backs, flashing them my best bloody grin.

The moment they disappear, so does my smile.

I settle in, my gaze affixed to the door. It’s going to take them time to hash out a plan that will get Sofia back while still maintaining their hold on me.

But none of it will matter in the end. There was nothing they could have done to keep me from taking her. There is nothing they can do to get her back.

Because from the moment, the very fucking instant I set my eyes on Sofia Sinacore, she was mine.

And I’m never letting her go.



AFew Months Earlier…

“A gilded cage is pretty, but its bars have the same exact purpose as iron ones. To hold someone prisoner.”

Jenn rolls her eyes. “You’re so dramatic.”

“Am I?” I lift my gaze toward Victor. “My ride is here.”

She looks in the direction I’m staring and gasps. Leaning against the car parked next to the sidewalk of the shopping center, is my driver.

“Damn. How did Victor know where you were?” She grabs my arm and whispers, “Do you think your brother placed some sort of tracker on you?”