“Sofia!” Carina comes out of the dining room and throws herself on me. “You’re here!”
“Where’s Gideon?” I ask, craning my neck to peer out the front door where multiple guards are chatting. “He was right behind us.”
Luca and Carina look at each other. I narrow my eyes on them both. “What’s going on? Where is Gideon?”
“Sofe, we need to talk.” Luca attempts to take my hand, but I snatch it away.
“Where is he?” I repeat.
“You should sit. Come with me.” Carina puts her arm around my shoulder and tries to guide me to the parlor.
I shrug her off. “Just tell me what’s happening.”
“Sofe, I…” Luca takes a calming breath. “Gideon made a deal with me.”
“Regarding?” I’m getting more and more agitated by the second.
“You.” His tone is low, as if he wants me calm before delivering some horrid blow. “We all believed it would be best if he left after we rescued you.”
I shake my head violently. “No. He would never have agreed to that. I’m his!” I point to my chest. “Where is he? I need to talk to him.”
“We don’t know where he went, Sofia,” Carina interjects. “But he’s not coming here. He’s never coming back here.”
“Liar!” I scream at Carina and she takes a step back in shock. “He would never have let me go. You did something to him. What did you do?”
“Nothing. We did nothing,” Luca says. “He knew this was the right thing for you and the baby. Don’t you see, Sofe? He’s exactly like his father.”
“He’s nothing like Stephen,” I hiss.
“He took you against your will,” Luca reminds me. “He stole you from us!”
“I went with him!” I wipe angry tears from my cheeks. “I’m the one that pursued him. I went into the car willingly. And do you know why? Because I wanted him!”
“You’d delusional. It’s the stress.”
“Should I call the doctor?” Carina asks.
From my waist, I tug out my knives. I slice them through the air so that they get the message. “Call him and I’ll slit your throats.”
Carina covers her neck with both her hands protectively. “Luca.”
Luca stands in front of her and extends his hands imploringly. “Sofia, it was for your own good. Even Gideon agreed you were better off.”
“You have no right to make that choice for me.” I lunge again and he flinches. “Give me the car keys.”
“Sofia, don’t do this,” he begs.
“Give me the damn keys!” I’m crazed, my breath coming in harsh pants.
“Where are you going?” he asks as he carefully hands me the keys to his car.
“I’m going to find Gideon. He must still be at the manor. Don’t try to stop me, Luca. I love him and I will kill anyone that gets in the way. Even you.”
His shoulders drop and he lowers his eyes. “I only wanted to protect you. I love you, Sofe. I want to keep you alive.”
Damn him and his ability to touch that soft spot inside me even when I’m fuming. “I love you too, Luca. But in keeping me alive, you’re also not letting me live.”
“You really love him, don’t you?”