“Sofia!” Luca screams as he begins his search for her.
I scan the face of every man I pass, looking for my father. Someone attacks me from behind, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling be back. I muscle through the pain of his weight on my shoulder, and manage to tug the knife from my ankle holster. In one swift move, I impale his eye with it.
He drops down, bringing me with him. As I fall, I’m able to gleam the scene before me. The men in battle. Several bodies in the pool.
Screams can be heard coming from upstairs too. Rowan and Noah are up there now, creating a scene much like this one.
I pray to whatever god that is willing to listen to let us come out of this alive.
Scarlet and Gunner disappear up the steps. I drag myself to my feet, and follow. As I imagined, the battle is well underway on the first floor as well. Rowan is currently engaged with some goon that’s three times his size. Noah is running toward them.
Ahead, Scarlet has found Henry and must have slit his throat only moments ago, because the man is still alive. He’s holding the pieces, as if that’s going to do anything. As he drops, his eyes shift up and he mouths something.
I turn to see what he was looking at. There, on the second-floor landing, is my father. His gaze locks with mine and he smirks.
I’m ready to charge, but there’s no need. He comes down to me, his gait confident, as if he knows exactly how this will end.
When he reaches the foyer, I go into a defensive stance, my gun at the ready. But he has his aimed at me too.
“Must we really do this, son?” he asks, maintaining his distance.
“You’ve given me no choice.” We circle each other.
“We all have a choice, Gideon.”
“You’re right. You have the choice to turn yourself in.”
He laughs. “To who? The police won’t touch me.”
“But the alliance will.”
“Don’t tell me you’ve joined the enemy.” He scans the room as it seems to dawn on him who my army is. “You have.”
“Give in, Father. We’re much stronger than you are.”
“Well, well. The son has surpassed the father. The only way you could achieve it was to betray me.” Before I can respond to it, he’s on me. His fists are on my face and on my chest.
I elbow him on the side of the neck and he rolls off me. He runs toward the door as I struggle to get up. As he reaches it, I shoot him in the foot. He stumbles out, but it doesn’t stop him.
It’s drizzling when I exit the manor. He’s ahead of me, limping badly, his gun dangling from on finger.
“Father!” I yell and try to lift my firearm. But the pain is too intense and have to use my other hand for support. “Father, stop!”
I shoot him in the other foot when he doesn’t comply. He falls onto his hands and knees, but continues.
“Father, please,” I beg. I’ve killed many men. Yet, taking the life of the person that did me the most harm seems impossible.
He must know it’s over. Or he simply can’t continue.
Rolling onto a sitting position, he faces me. Laughter rolls from him as he loosely holds his weapon. “Can you truly do it, son? Can you kill me?”
“I don’t want to.”
“That’s the only way you’ll be able to keep all this. Only dead, would I allow anyone else to have what I worked so hard for. Kill me, Gideon. Or I’ll kill you.”
All of the memories come crashing upon me. Everything he taught me, the beliefs he instilled in me, all so that I could be hispuppet. So that I could kill his enemies and pave the way for his reign.
“There was a time I would have done anything for you. Even end your life so that you won’t have to pay the price for your crimes.” I come closer. “But, I will not kill you. You’ll be tried by the alliance.”