Page 127 of Brutal King

Will he want to do the same with the baby? Raise her to become like him? Loyal to his cause?

I cannot allow that to happen.

Think, Sofe. Think!

Just then, a little black shadow appears as if out of thin air. Icy blue eyes stare at me as he jumps on the bed and bumps his head against my hand.

“Hi, Winter. Where did you—” It dawns on me then, my way to escape.

In the last few weeks before Gideon sent me to Las Vegas, Scarlet showed me some of the hidden passages that not even Gideon knew about. They connect almost the entire manor.

A plan begins to form in my mind. I focus all of my energy on that, all of my pain and anger. It’s fairly straight forward, though it won’t be without it’s risks. First, I’ll make my way to the opening near the kitchen, where I’ll procure a knife. Then, I’ll go to the basement and leave through the garage. I know the code, after all. The key will be to remain hidden from view of the cameras.

I shower and dress in a pair of jeans, T-shirt, and my Columbia hoodie. Winter follows me to the hidden door. Even though I know where it is, I have to search for the edges. Once I find them, I push on the side where the hinges are. The door swings open toward me. And all my hopes are instantly dashed.

“Fuck!” I slam the door shut on the guard posted there. He knew. The bastard knew I’d be using the passageways.

Dropping to my knees, I cry again.

I’m sitting in the window alcove with Winter on my lap, when there’s another knock on my door. I don’t bother looking, thinking it’s probably mealtime and someone will slide in a plate like they did for breakfast and lunch.

This time, however, the person knocking opens the door and steps inside. I turn to see Henry standing there.

“Mr. Black would like your company at dinner,” he says, peering down his nose at me. “I will return for you in thirty minutes.”

Everything in my being tenses at the sight of that traitor. He’s the one that kept Stephen informed of everything Gideon did. He’s the one that let him in.

“I’m not interested,” I tell him.

“Thirty minutes,” he repeats.

I’m still in the same spot when Henry returns. He comes into the suite, his disappointment in my lack of formalwear obvious. “Why haven’t you dressed?”

“Because I don’t give a shit,” I say, nonchalantly. “Tell your boss I’m not hungry.”

“That is not an option. You either come of your own accord, or you will be dragged down.”

I set Winter on the floor and go to stand in front of Henry. A smirk paints across my lips when I realize I’m at least three inches taller than he is.

“You’re a small man, Henry. Has anyone ever told you that?”

Straightening his spine, he spins on his heel and walks away. I follow far behind him to the dining room. By the time I get there, Henry is already seated a place away from Stephen.

“Ah, Sofia. So glad you could join us.” Stephen pats the empty seat beside him and gives me a roguish smile. It’s strange how someone that looks so much like Gideon, stirs the exact opposite reaction in me. Instead of liquid heat, I feel revulsion. “Sit.”

It won’t do me any good to fight it. I learned that lesson with Gideon. Doing as instructed, I go to sit between the two men.

“Henry informed me you enjoy steak,” Stephen says.

I glance at the traitor. “He’s been keeping you informed of a lot of things, it seems.”

“He’s loyal.” Stephen takes a bite of his steak, and points a fork at mine. “Eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Come now. It won’t do you or my grandson any good to starve.”

My lips pull tight as I fight the urge to tell him he has nothing to do with my baby. I grab hold of the knife, and cut a thin slice of meat. As I’m doing it, I realize there’s a weapon in my hand.