Page 118 of Brutal King

“We can’t. The rest of the house is completely guarded. We wouldn’t make it to the first floor without being spotted.”

“I can’t leave her!”

“Sir, with all due respect, you’re not in any position to help her. It’s a good thing I saw you before I was killed. We must get reinforcements. Shit.” He stares ahead as several of Father’s men enter the garage. “We’re so fucked.”

He starts the engine and steps on the gas. All the men lift their weapons and aim them at the car. Bullets hit the reinforced glass. Most of them bounce off, creating only small fissures. However, a few manage to penetrate through the weakened areas.

“Go. Go. Go!!”

Itsuki doesn’t have to be told twice. He blows through the armed line, taking out a few of the men. The outer door is open, but not for long.

A tall fellow runs toward the controls. We make it through before he can shut it. It’s dark out. In the distance, I spot the explosive lights as more shots are fired toward us.

“Faster!” I twist in my seat to peer through the rear window. At least one vehicle has been sent after us.

Thankfully, Ituski is a master behind the wheel. He manages to lose them before they can come anywhere near us.

We hit the highway driving at one hundred and twenty miles per hour. Nothing can stop us now, not even the cops.

“Where to, sir?” Itsuki asks.

I grimace as I count all of my injuries. “Briar House.”

“The Sinacores?”

“They’re the only ones I trust right now.”

He drives a few miles, until out of nowhere, he pulls off to the side.

“What’s happening?”

“Sir, I think…” He turns on the overhead light. “I think…” He touches the side of his chest and his fingers come away covered in blood. “I…” He slumps over and I catch him before his head hits the steering wheel.

“Shit! Itsuki!” I press two fingers to the side of his neck, but can’t find a pulse. “Damn it!”

I exit the car and come around to his side. Somehow, I manage to push him into the back seat, because there’s no way in hell I’m leaving him on the side of the road.

“Hold on, buddy,” I say, though I’m fully aware he’s gone. “Just hold on.”

I’m lightheaded and nauseous. But if I drive as fast as Itsuki was going, I can get to Briar House in less than half an hour. Ijust have to stay conscious long enough to tell Luca where Sofia is before he kills me.

Twenty-five minutes later, I burst through the iron gates of the Sinacore headquarters. One of the guards throws himself on the hood, but I swerve and he’s flung off.

He’s not the only on affected, however. The movement makes everything spin and I lose my focus. Up ahead is the house, and in front of it, what I hope to God is the portico. I aim for the shadowy space that may or may not be a place to park vehicles.

Before I can find out if I aimed true, my brain succumbs and once again, I’m dragged under into unconsciousness.



I’m awoken by the violent rattling of the house. I bolt upright, my heart pounding in my chest. “What the fuck was that?”

“What?” Carina asks sleepily.

“You didn’t hear it?”

She sits up and wipes the hair from her face. “Hear wh—” Sounds of men hollering reach us then.