Page 116 of Brutal King

“He’s working for you?”

“Since before you brought him to Kingsbrook. I had to make sure to have eyes and ears in this place. Someone to keep me appraised of your progress. Henry had a hand in most of the staff you hired after him. He made sure they’d be loyal to me.”

So that’s how he got in without my knowledge. Everyone here works for him. Or most of them, anyway. I give Henry a look I hope will haunt him for the rest of his life.Traitor.

“I must say, son,” Father continues. “You’ve far exceeded my expectations. And that pet of yours, she has served her purpose, hasn’t she? You two have deposed of my enemies and grown my empire beyond my wildest dreams.”

It takes me a moment to understand what he’s saying, but only because my heart refuses to believe it. There’s a battle inside of me, where one side is elated to learn that he’s alive, but the other is aware that it was all at my expense.

“You used me,” I say, my tone low.

“I did what I had to. Now,” he comes closer once more, his hand extended. “Do you have my coin, son?” He watches me with that same expectancy he did when I was younger.

I glance from his hand to his eyes. “No.”

His lips pull down, his brows pinched. “That is a shame.”

He motions to someone behind us. The man grabs Sofia and hauls her away from me, while two others hold me in place.

“Let me go!” Sofia screams, trying ineffectively to free herself.

I turn to my father. “Tell them to release her. She’s no one of consequence.”

“Oh. My mistake. If she’s just another staff member we must take care of…” He tugs out his gun from his waist and aims it at her.

“No!” I drag the two goons holding me several feet before they’re able to shove me down to the wet floor.

“No?” Father smiles.

“Please. Let her go.”

“Hmm. This reminds me of another time. Remember, son? When you hid the girl from me?” He taps the barrel of the firearm against his lip, and for a second, I pray that it will accidentally shoot him in the head. But God doesn’t listen to men like me, and Father remains alive. “Yes. This is just like that. I hope you learned your lesson well.”

I’m hauled up onto my feet. Father circles me, then Sofia. Her jaw clenches as she watches him go round, but manages to keep her fear at bay.

“Father,” I say.

He whirls on me. “Are you loyal to me?!”

“Have I not proven my loyalty? I fought for you even when I believed you were dead!”

“And you were willing to give it all up for her!” He points to Sofia.

How could he have known that, unless he was standing there longer than I realized. My skin crawls at the thought.

My mind is racing, searching for a way out of this. I can think of only one. “I will swear anything you want, do anything you want, but don’t hurt her.” I look at Sofia. “She’s carrying my child.Yourgrandchild.”

Father laughs and for the first time in my life, I understand what true evil sounds like. I see him in a completely different light that has me struggling to breathe.

“Let’s do this,” he says. “I’ll let you choose. Your life and your loyalty. Or her life and my grandchild’s loyalty. Either way, I win.”

“Hers. Her life! Take me. Kill me.”

Something strange crosses Father’s face, a mixture of anger and disappointment. He raises his gun to me.

“No!” Sofia screams. “Please. Please, don’t.”

“I’ve made my choice. Swear to me you will not hurt them,” I demand. “That you will treat them well.” For as long as it takes Sofia to escape now that she knows how.