“If I did?”
His grin widens. “Have you fallen in love with me, Little Bird?”
“I think it’s called Stockholm Syndrome, actually. It’s what happens when someone is captured and develops feelings for their captor.” It’s meant to be a joke, because I don’t really believe it’s my case. Not when I was hot and bothered by him before he did anything. But I needed a way to confess whatever this is that had me desperate for his return, without leaving myself completely exposed.
However, Gideon doesn’t take it that way. It sobers him instantly. He frowns and his gaze goes distant. Then, he abruptly stands.
“I should shower,” he says.
Without looking at me again, he walks away. I’m left staring after him, wondering what the hell I’ve said that bothered him.
October 14, 2009
Father’s body was recovered near the bank of Lake Michigan. He’d been stabbed fifteen times and shot twenty-five. Several of the wounds had been to his face. Already dead, he was chained and tossed into the water.
His body had been too severely mangled by the time he was found to be identified. It was his teeth that confirmed he was indeed my father.
I wasn’t allowed to see him, however, because when I went to arrange for his burial, he’d already been cremated. An order from someone with power.
But I’d already seen the photos. Seen the brutality in which he’d been murdered.
That was the day I swore revenge.
“We’ve been over this already. I’m not giving her up, Rowan.” I’m back at Kingsbrook, but have kept in constant contact with my brother.
His frustrated sigh comes through the phone clearly. “I don’t understand. She’s Luca’s sister. Send her back before he attacks my fucking house.”
“Luca doesn’t have the manpower we do.” Over the last two days, I’ve sent several of my men to reinforce security in Boston. That, coupled with Rowan’s already robust army, will keep Luca at bay if and when he goes to collect.
“It will cost lives. My men and yours will be at risk. All for a woman you’re keeping against her will?”
“You forget how willing you were to go to war for Louisa. As I recall, she wasn’t exactly in agreement to marry you.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “And there’s something else I haven’t told you.” I pause, afraid of his reaction. “Sofia is pregnant.”
The line goes quiet so long I wonder if he’s hung up. Before I can ask, he says, “Luca is going to kill you.”
“Isn’t that what he’s been planning all along?”
“Yes. But he’ll add torture and dismemberment to it. It’s going to be a slow death, Dionne. He’ll probably chop off your dick and feed it to you as your last fucking meal.”
“Perhaps,” I say with a grimace, picturing Luca doing just that. “He’ll have to catch me first.”
“Well, now I understand why you’re so adamant about keeping Sofia.”
I don’t correct him. Yes, the baby adds to my desire to keep her. But I wouldn’t be able to let her go regardless. “Thank you for understanding. And for getting my ass out of Briar House.”
“What are brother’s for?”
That makes me smile. “I won’t let Luca take your territory, Rowan. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure of that.”
“I’m used to war, Dionne. Just wish it wasn’t with someone I considered a friend. But my gut tells me you’d do the same for me.”
“I would.”
I hang up, feeling relief now that I’ve told him about the baby. His support matters to me more than he’ll ever know. Somehow, I must make it right for him.