“You shouldn’t be out here alone at this hour,” he scolds me in a way that makes me feel like a child and I bristle. But I still follow behind him as he steps out into the cool air. “When is your friend meeting you?”
“I lied,” I admit. “I’m not meeting anyone.”
“I figured.”
I shove a chunk of my messy hair behind my ear. “Thanks for what you did.”
“You’re welcome.” He continues to his car with me at his heels.
“Wait up. This is your car?” I gaze at the black-on-black Bentley. “What the hell are you doing with this car out here?”
“The same thing I’d be doing with it anywhere else. Going places. Now, if you’ll excuse me?—”
“You can’t leave me here!” I say, aware he’s a stranger but I certainly feel safer with him than the other guy.
He sighs. “Where are you heading? No lies this time.”
“Boston,” I reply, my mind made up. I could hang for a few days, give Luca a good scare that will hopefully make him realize he can’t do whatever the hell he wants with me.
“I’m not taking you to Boston.”
“Then a hotel on your way to wherever you’re going.” I chew on my lower lip anxiously. “Please.”
“You have no money,” he states.
“I’ll think of something by the time we get there.”
He gives me a long, pained look. “Hop in. I know someone with a room. You’ll be safe there.”
I smile widely as he opens the door for me. Not only am I going to ride in luxury, but I’ll have a beautiful man to stare at the whole way.
Getting in, I place my bag at my feet. He comes around to the driver’s side and slides into the seat.
“Thank you,” I say when he starts the car.
“Are you a student at Columbia?” He points to the name on my hoodie.
“Used to be, I guess.” Before Luca tore me out of there. “I’m Sofia, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Sofia,” he says, granting me another swoon worthy smile. “Gideon Black.”
Fuck, even his name is sexy.
“Thank you again,” I say. “You won’t regret it. I’ll find a way to repay you, I promise.”
Grinning as he pulls out of the parking lot, he says, “I’m sure you will.”
I settle back in my seat. “What were you doing in a dive bar dressed like that? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Don’t mind at all. I had some business that went longer than expected. Needed a bite, and this was the only thing open.”
“What do you do?”
“I do many things,” he says in a way that sends a rush of heat to my cheeks.
Clearing my throat, I ask, “Like?”
“Corporate real estate and finance. I take over businesses.”