“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m…” Over and over I repeated the words, praying that she could somehow hear me.
She’d been loyal to me and I betrayed her in the worst way.
When I finally returned to the manor, I found Father in the dining room.
“Come,” he ordered.
I glanced at him, but did not speak. I could not keep my gaze on him for more than a split-second. This man that I’d respected and loved had made me do something monstrous.
“You’re angry with me,” he said when I did not move from my spot. He set his napkin down and let out a long breath. “But you will thank me one day. Because one day, Gideon, it will not be a horse you must sacrifice.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Go. See your pet. But understand that as long as she remains with you, she will be your vulnerability. If you are not careful, she can cost you more than you’re willing to pay.”
“Ialways wondered what the inside of Briar House looked like,” I say when the mask over my head is removed. I look around, then focus on Luca and Carina who are standing near the single steel door. “Kind of drab.”
“You’re in the hold, idiot,” Luca says.
“Still, it wouldn’t hurt to add some art. Liven up these walls. I have a dealer. Name’s Jackson Shaw. Owns TheSGallery in Jersey. You might have heard of him. Ah, Noah, so nice to see you again.” As I’m talking, Noah Esposito steps inside.
He pauses at the mention of his father-in-law’s name. “Whatever business you had with Jackson is long over.” He rolls up the sleeves of his blue dress shirt.
Chuckling, I ask, “Are you getting ready to fight me?”
Noah, who can’t crack a smile to save his damned life, doesn’t reply. He drops a bag onto the table, then goes to stand beside Luca, still silent and moody.
Carina pushes off the wall she’s been leaning against. “No one is here to beat you up. We just want to talk.”
I shift my attention to her and give her a charming smile. “Carina. You’re as lovely as I remember.” Luca practically gnarls and I laugh. “Relax, Luke. I already have a girl. And Sofia is a jealous little thing.”
“Asshole!” He lunges for me, but Noah catches him before he strikes.
“Can you please stop provoking him?!” Carina yells at me.
“Can’t help it. It’s fun.”
Carina motions for them to move away. Then, she sits across the table from me. “What can we give you in trade for Sofia?”
I sober. “Nothing.”
Her mouth pulls into a tight line. “I’m trying compromise.”
“You have me tied up to a chair in a house surrounded by your men. What kind of compromise could we possibly come up with? I tell you where she is, you put a bullet in my head.”
“Well, you do have a proclivity to killing us,” Luca interjects.
“We’ve gone through a lot of trouble to get you here,” Carina tells me. “You’ve lost men, we have lost men. How about we try to lessen the casualties this time?”
“What do you suggest?” I ask.
“A truce. Tell us where she is. We get Sofia, you go home. Our fighting can resume.”
I tilt my head and study her. “You’re the one that put the tracker on the gun. You knew I’d take Scarlet back to safety, even if it meant her boyfriend had to tag along.”
She gives me a sweet smile that’s actually scary. “I had a hunch she was your soft spot.”
“Damn those pesky vulnerabilities.” I grin at her.