Page 105 of Brutal King

“How?” Scarlet asks. “No one was behind us.”

“A tracer.” I narrow my gaze on him.

“You patted me down. You made me take my fucking shoes off!” he says.

“I missed some—” That’s when it occurs to me. The only thing I didn’t check was the Glock I took from him. I pull it out now and inspect it. There, beneath the barrel, black and almost imperceptible, is a tracer.

Scarlet snatches it from me and shows it to him. “Did you know about this?”

“What? No. Luca gave me the gun before he…” he trails off. “He was never going against Carina. It was their plan.”

I don’t know what the fuck he’s rambling about. But it doesn’t matter. “You fucking idiot! You led him right to us.”

Shoving Scarlet aside, I throw myself on him again. We go down hard, fists pounding. Everything fades to the background.All of my focus is on taking this man out. He’s with the enemy. He’s thwarted my plans. He’s taken one of the few people that matter from me.

Somewhere in the distance I can hear screams, feel hands trying to pry us apart. But I ignore it.

“Stop!” I hear the begging voice say, but my anger is louder. “Please. Stop. Stop. Stop!” It’s the desperation in the tone that makes us both turn, but it’s the horror of what we see that has us reacting.

Scarlet is standing several feet from us, one of her eyes and her lips swollen, her hair a mess as if she tried to come between us. Shedidtry and we were too far gone to realize it was her.

But that isn’t what has my blood running cold. It’s the slashes covering her arms, and the knife in her hand as she continues to slice as she screams, “Stop! Stop! Stop!”

“Scarlet!” I snatch the blade from her hand.

Gunner wraps his arms around her a lifts her off her feet. “I’m here. I’m here.” Blood pours from her wounds, instantly soaking his clothes.

“Gideon,” she calls out weakly. Suddenly, she’s fifteen again. She’s beaten and dirty and calling up to me for help.

“Fuck!” I curse. “Why did you do this?”

“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “You didn’t stop and I was scared and I couldn’t stop you.”

“Get her—” I don’t get to finish that sentence because in that moment, there’s an explosion so powerful, it rocks the entire building. “They’re here.”

“Shit.” Gunner scoops her up. “She’s bleeding heavily.”

I go to hidden doorway next to the fireplace, an escape route I set up for such an occasion. I push what looks like a regular set of shelves, revealing the exit. “Through here. This stairwell leads directly outside. Get her the fuck out of here.”

“Wha abou you?” Scarlet asks, her words slurred now.

“I’m so sorry.” I want to say more. I want to tell her that this is all my fault. That I’ve been selfish in keeping her when I knew she was sick, but I was too afraid of… I was afraid she’d never come back to me and I’d be left alone once more.

My lips tighten as I smooth back her hair. To Gunner, I say, “Get her out of here. Protect her with your life, or I’ll fucking end yours.”

They leave, and I shut the doorway.

The stairwell door is blasted open and I duck behind the couch to keep from getting hit by debris. When the dust settles, I come up. Standing in the center of my living room, is Luca, his gun aimed at me.

Thing is, I had a choice to make. Sofia or Scarlet. Except, I could never make that choice between them. When it comes down to it, I’d rather go with option number three.

I’ll give myself up instead.



I remained by Shiloh’s side, staring at her unseeing eyes, stroking her cold neck. Even when the rain started, I stayed.