I tense. My instincts were right. If I’d kept Sofia at the manor, Scarlet might have handed her over.
She’s staring into the flames. I watch her carefully as I say, “I will never give up Sofia’s location.”
Her breathing pattern changes and her jaw clenches. But she says nothing.
Gunner, however, insists with a sort of desperation that has me turning back to him. “Take something else. Anyone else. You love Scarlet. I can see that now. This could mean her life.”
“No!” I boom
“Sofia is nothing to you.”
“I said no! Don’t ask me again, Gunner. Sofia is mine and that is not up for discussion.”
Scarlet finally speaks up, and what she says has me reeling. “I think it’s me that means nothing to him, Gunn.”
I nearly choke with the sadness that fills me at her words. That she’d ever say them. But what she wants from me, I cannot give. I’m faced with an impossible choice once again, something I love, for something I love more.
Because I do love Scarlet. But it cannot compare to what I feel for Sofia and the child she’s carrying.
“Fine,” Scarlet says. “Then, just let us go. I swear to keep all your secrets. You know I will.”
“And in return?” I ask. “What do I get for my loss?”
Scarlet shakes her head. “What do you want?”
“A favor. Each. I will let you go, but I won’t lose track of you. So, that when I need to, I will call in my favors and you will comply. If you don’t, the price will be Gunn’s life. And this time, I’m not giving you the order, Scarlet. This time, I’ll do it myself. Is it a deal?”
“What kind of favors?” Gunner asks.
“The kind that will get blood on your hands,” I tell him. “Why else would I bother?”
“It’s a deal,” Scarlet says. “For me.”
Gunner nods. “Fine. It’s?—”
My phone rings and I lift a finger to stop him. “Hold that thought. I have to take this. Gideon.”
“Sir, we’re under attack. Security has been breached,” my guard says. “It’s the Sinacore men.”
“Where are they now?”
“Most are still in the foyer.” There’s gunfire. “A few have pushed their way into the stairwell.”
“Keep them there as long as you can.”
“Who was that?” Scarlet asks.
I look at Gunner and my vision goes red. Before I can stop myself, I ram him. I pummel him until he manages to get a left hook in and throws me off.
Once again, I lunge for him, but this time, Scarlet gets between us. “Stop it! What the fuck is the matter with you?”
“They followed him!” I point to the idiot standing behind her.
“Luca’s men. They’re in the building. I don’t know how long my team can keep them from the penthouse.”
“Fuck!” Gunner curses.