Page 102 of Brutal King

“Take him out, Scar. That’s an order.”Prove that you’re still loyal to me.

“Why, Gideon? He’s not in the line of succession from the original six. Why take him out?”

“Because of this.” I point to her. “Because you’ve never questioned my orders before. He’s a fucking risk to you. Do you honestly believe he won’t turn you in the first chance he gets? He’ll use you to get to me.”

“The way you’re doing with Sofia,” she throws back, defiant once more.

“Kill him. Kill him before he kills you.”

I’m not surprised when Scarlet completely ignores my orders once again. But it’s not until Vicky sends me a message about an incident at a building owned by none other than Gunner himself, that I fucking panic.

Fire was set to The Keaton Banks Orphanage. However, police on the scene report that there had been other damage consistent with gunfire.

My mind immediately goes to Scarlet. I pull out my phone, and regardless of how furious I’ve been with her, I send her a text.

Me: 899 Are you safe? Got a notice about a fire at The Keaton Banks Orphanage.

I hold my breath as I wait for her reply.

Scarlet: 998 Safe. Did the building survive the fire?

Me: Destroyed.

It takes her a moment to reply.

Scarlet: I need to come in.

Without hesitation, I give her the place.

Me: Hades.

Hades is code for a warehouse I own on Flushing Bay, one with its own marina. It’s not abandoned, but it is empty. A shell of a place to be used as needed for deliveries coming through La Guardia. Father used it to illegally ferry his contraband. After he died, the property was seized and it wasn’t until recently that I purchased it back. What can I say, it has sentimental value.

I park the Bentley where they can see it when they pull in, but step out and wait behind a nearby tree to keep my advantage.

They ride in on Gunner’s motorcycle. As he goes to get off, he takes out his gun and locks the hammer into place.

“Put the gun away,” Scarlet tells him.

I’m sure it irks him, but he does it.

“Good, little Gunner.” I approach with my own weapon drawn. “Scar, you didn’t tell me you’d be bringing company. Company that should be dead, I might add. I’d have brought the hearse.”

“We’re here to ask for asylum,” she says.

I look at her in surprise. “Asylum?”

“No. Not asylum,” Gunner interjects. “I’d like to arrange for Scarlet’s release from you.”

That makes me laugh. “Release Scarlet so that she can run to the alliance and help you.”

“I’m not with the alliance anymore,” he says. “As you’ve heard, they set fire to one of my buildings.”

“The alliance did that?” I ask, genuinely perplexed. “Why would Luca do that?”

Gunn shrugs. “They were about as happy to see Scarlet and I together as you are.”

So, Luca’s lost another member. Perhaps this union wasn’t such a bad thing, after all.