Page 80 of Tangled in Vows

Game over.

Holden seizes my head in both of his big palms, tilting it for a better angle to devour me. His mouth moves against mine withsuch desperation that I wonder if he’s been waiting for this to happen for as long as I have.

This is your first kiss with him.

My breath hitches at the deep ache in my chest. Something heavy is yanking at my heart, stretching it in almost unbearable ways.

His tongue strokes against mine, curling my toes in response. Heat floods my body, and the throbbing in my core is so intense that I’m absentmindedly wondering if I could come from kissing him alone.

My body has a mind of its own, shifting closer until my chest almost touches his without ever breaking contact with his mouth. At this point, someone might have to pry me off this man. Because how can a kiss feel so good? This all-consuming? How can it stir something so substantial inside me without him ever touching me elsewhere?

As if he heard my thoughts, Holden’s hands trail from my cheeks, over my jaw and throat, and down my back until they palm my butt. They dig into my ample flesh with such force, I have to steady myself with my hands on his shoulders. One quick pull toward his body, and his hardness presses against my core.

Holden draws back and looks at me with glazed eyes. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

He pushes his hips up, sending new sparks through my entire body. My eyelids fall shut of their own accord, and I revel in these unfamiliar sensations Holden elicits. He’s awakening something I wasn’t sure existed after the terrible to mediocre experiences I’ve had so far with men.

I’ve never been this aroused before with a partner. Never thisalive. I didn’t even know it could feel this way. Curiosity fills my veins—a need to explore more—to see how else he can steal my breath.

Planning on doing exactly that, I lean in once more when someone clears their throat. Holden’s eyes widen like mine, letting reality sink in. We just made out on the couch in the living room, with Archer only feet away in the kitchen.

“Thanks for that little uh . . . show. Not that I was watching or anything. Well, not a lot, anyway. But can I just say you two are hot together, capital H-O-T, and I’m not gonna lie, I’d pay to watch an entire show if you know what I?—”

“Archer,” Holden snaps his friend’s name like a whip.

Meanwhile, I half bury my burning face into Holden’s neck, peeking enough to see Archer and his shit-eating grin.

He raises his hands. “Sorry, bro, just telling the truth. If either of you is into voyeurism, I’m your guy.”

I laugh. “Archer, stop.”

“Fine. You guys are no fun.”

Holden lets out a disgruntled breath. “I swear to you, I’m going to murder you in your sleep tonight if you won’t shut up right now.”

Archer frowns as if we just took away his favorite toy. “So you don’t want me to tell you Jax is back? I thought you might want to talk to him.”

“How about you lead with that next time?”

“Whatever.” Archer turns and walks away, even his footsteps somehow managing to sound pouty.

I lift my gaze to Holden’s.

He brushes his fingertips over my forehead and temple, the movement soft and comforting.

His eyes stare into mine, searching for something. “Will you be okay by yourself for a few minutes? I need to talk to Jax to see if he’s got news about the assholes who attacked us.”

His words successfully slam me straight back into reality.

Shit. We were attacked not too long ago, and my brain is all fuzzy with how good he can make me feel.

You needed the distraction, and he happily provided it.

Although I don’t want to be alone, I nod anyway. “Sure.”

Holden looks to where Stormy is still lying on the couch. “You keep her company, okay?”

Stormy huffs a quietwoofas if she understood him.