Page 8 of Tangled in Vows

For a while, I just stare around the room aimlessly. The couch on the left, the mixing table on the right, the enclosedbooth beyond the glass window. The large screens. The chair. The oversized plant in the corner. An open book upside down on the small coffee table. A half-empty water bottle.

How can everything seem so normal after something so appalling just happened a few doors down?

My chin trembles.

It’s okay. You’re safe now.

I put my clammy hand on my heart as one of my favorite podcasters suggested. “I’m okay. I’m safe. I’m loved.”

I repeat it several times until a tear rolls down my cheek.

“There you are, babe. I thought you abandoned our plans.”

“What do you think, baby? I got it just for you. I know how much blood play turns you on.”

His smirk. His excitement. His obvious lust.

Bile travels up my throat, and I cover my mouth. After several deep breaths through my nose, the nausea subsides.

How the fuck did that guy even get in? There are so many security measures. Key cards. Cameras. Door attendants and guards.

And why did he sound like we knew each other, and I told him to meet me here? I’ve never seen this man in my life. At least, not that I remember.

Stormy whines, and I brush my shaky hands through her fur.

Since Holden told me to wait, I lean back against the wall and hum under my breath.

It doesn’t help as much as it usually does. At least the uncontrollable shaking stops eventually, and my heart beats steadier.

I’ve gotten through two songs when the door opens. Stormy is off my lap, tackling Holden until he sits with her in the chair.

“We’re all good. The place is secure.” The muscles in his jaw tense. This is affecting him too. “I took care of the guy, and the cops are on the way.”

I blow out a breath. “Thank you.”

The tendons in his neck are so strained his pulse is visible. “No problem.”

His attention shifts back to my needy girl, and I use the chance to study him.

When I started hanging out with Evie, I thought Holden would get in the middle of my friendship with her. After all, he was the one who disappeared without a word. But he didn’t. Most of the time, we just try to avoid each other. Tonight was an exception because neither of us could miss Evie and Phoenix’s vow renewal.

Although, I could never ask Evie to choose between Holden and me anyway.

Do I have a beef with him? Yes, absolutely.

Am I beyond grateful he brought her to one of my concerts to meet me? Also, yes.

But is he one of her best friends? He definitely is.

Nevertheless, I’d never risk my friendship with her. Not once have I clicked with another woman as I did with her, and I don’t want to jeopardize that.

Holden also saved you in ways you can never repay.

He helped me escape the life my family and entire community tried to force me into. No matter the cost, they wanted to fit me into a mold that wasn’t meant for me.

So Holden saved me from a life of misery by marrying me.

Then, before the year ended, he disappeared and sent me divorce papers via mail.