She crosses her arms. “Where are we going then?”
My dick twitches. Sue me.
“It’s a surprise.”
There’s rustling behind us, and two seconds later, Stormy pops her head between our seats.
Olivia snuggles the side of her head. “Hey, sweets.”
Stormy licks the side of her face and moves around, letting out a quietwoof.
Olivia nods at her. “I know. He won’t tell me either.” She peeks around Stormy’s enormous head, fixing me with narrowed eyes. “Maybe he’ll tell you?”
Stormy follows her gaze and dutifully leans toward me.
I keep my left hand on the steering wheel and scratch her under the chin with my other one. “We’re almost there. Just another minute or two.”
To my surprise, Olivia doesn’t push further and remains quiet until the vehicle in front of us slows down.
I navigate through the tall gate and follow the winding driveway to the modern three-story manor.
Olivia leans forward, staring out the windshield. “Oh wow, it’s beautiful. Whose house is it?”
“Ours.” I park the car in the circular driveway and say, “Welcome home, Hurricane.”
Chapter 21
My heart is in a constant battle between pain and pride.
Welcome home.
I stare at the house, absentmindedly hearing Stormy’s happy barks as she jumps around us.
Holden steps up beside me. “What do you want to check out first? The inside or the backyard?”
“Backyard? That way, Stormy can run around,” I reply, without taking my eyes off the mansion that could have jumped straight out of a British movie—the classical elegance of aPride & Prejudicestyle-looking manor mixed with a contemporary style. Framed by manicured hedges and tall trees, the large, modern windows blend beautifully with the soft gray stones of the exterior.
“Sure.” Holden whistles, and Stormy runs to his side, remaining there.
He leads us through an oversized gate on one side toward the backyard. I stop to take in its vastness. There isn’t an end in sight. “Wow. How far back does it go?”
“The property is ten acres, but it’s fenced off at two acres to make it more manageable for now.”
I nod, pretty much clueless what exactly those numbers mean. But on the inside, warmth pools in my midsection, making me all fuzzy. That’s the only way to describe it. Although I haven’t been inside the house yet, I’m sure it’s as beautiful as the outside.
Despite the still-too-cool temperatures, I bet this place will soon be an oasis with lush greenery and beautiful blooms. It would be the perfect place to relax, chase the dogs, or play in the kidney-shaped pool with the kids.
Where the heck did those kids just come from? My mind screeches to a halt, and I stop in my tracks.
I can’t be thinking about Holden and kids.
To be fair, I wasn’t in that vision, so it was probably some other woman enjoying that future version of life. My stomach churns at the idea of Holden having a family with someone else, which makes no sense. I have no claim on him, so why should I care who he has kids with?
Uh-huh, sure. Just keep telling yourself that you’re totally unaffected by him. Do I need to remind you that you asked him to kiss you and something definitely would have happened if Jax hadn’t interrupted?