Page 65 of Tangled in Vows

There’s a bite to her tone, meaning she’s probably spent the last five minutes rebuilding those walls and possibly enforcing them with steel this time for good measure.

At least she’s willing to spend time with me. Another win in my book.

I pat my pockets to check I got everything: phone, keys, Tic Tacs, gun. Check. I’m just about to grab the drinks from thecounter when I notice what she’s wearing. The leggings are the same as earlier, but now she’s also sporting a faded black hoodie.

One that’s very familiar.

Olivia closes the front door behind her, my keys dangling from her fingers. Maybe it’s weird she has her own set since she lives in the apartment next to me, but I enjoy knowing that she feels safe enough here, with me, to walk in so freely.

I get a good look at her and put on my most serious face. “Hurricane, do I need to hide my silverware from you?”

She stops mid-step, her brows drawing together. “What?”

I take a step toward her. “I’m talking about the fact you’ve been stealing from me.”

Her eyes widen as she steps back, frantically shaking her head. “No, no. I swear, I didn’t steal anything from you. I’d never do that.”

I jump forward and wrap the strings of the black hoodie she’s wearing around my fist to drag her closer to me, leaving only a few inches between us. “Last I checked, this is my hoodie, you little thief.”

She blows out a breath and hits my chest. “Oh my God, you’re such a jerk. You scared me.”

I chuckle and swing my arm over her shoulders to pull her into the kitchen with me. “As a consequence, you’re on dinner duty tonight.”

I yank her closer, and she laughs, the sound pure music in my ears.

“Are you coming?” Olivia gazes at me from the door—shoes on, leash on Stormy, and sunglasses in place.

I nod and swallow the question about the hoodie, although it’s burning in my throat.

After leaving the security details with information about our absence, we head toward the garage, where Jax and two moresecurity guards are waiting. We leave together, with Jax in a black SUV in front of us and the other behind us.

The sky is gloomy, painted in various grays, perfectly portraying the mood in the car.

We work through the busy city streets until we finally reach the less crowded freeway. Olivia is quiet, her head tilted toward the window, shielding her eyes from me with her sunglasses.

“Do you want to pick some music?” I glance at her and see her deep inhale. “You can use my phone or connect yours.”

“I’m fine with whatever.” Her voice is quiet. Completely monotone.


I know we all go through low phases in our lives. Sometimes, they last a few hours or days. Other times, it’s weeks, months, or even years. They are brutal to get through yourself, but watching someone else go through them is also challenging. Especially when you feel helpless and don’t know how to help. Being there for them is always a good start, even if it sometimes doesn’t feel like it’s enough.

I want her to understand . . . to realize what she means to me. What I’d do for her. I want to tell her I’m back for good and here for her. I want to support her in any way I’m capable of. I can be her best friend. Her distraction. Her safe place. Her escape. Her anchor, the way I promised I’d be. I’ll be whatever she needs me to be, but she has to let me in. I know it’s not easy after what she went through, but I’ll wait for however long it takes to regain her trust.

We take the exit, and Olivia straightens in her seat. “Are we going to Evie?”


“Isn’t this the way to her place?”

“It is.”

She huffs, the confusion and probably slight irritation practically radiating off her.

I smile because her feistiness totally does it for me.

Come on, Hurricane. Be wild and courageous. Whisk me up in your frenzy. Destroy me.