She nods and peeks at me through her bangs. “We can postpone our meeting. You have studio time later, so maybe sometime tomorrow? If you don’t have other plans.”
Although work is the last thing on my mind right now, maybe it’s a good thing Heather is here to distract me from what almost happened with Holden. And I don’t even want to think about Felix’s death right now. I have so many questions for Holden, but I need to be sure I’m ready for the answers.
So I wave her off and give her what I hope is a reassuring smile. “Now is as good as any other time.”
Heather nods, grabs the coffee from the counter, and extends it my way. “Your usual.”
I accept the large caramel macchiato, something Evie got me hooked on, and take a sip of the sweet coffee drink. “Thank you, Heather. I really am sorry about the chaos this morning.”
She shakes her head. “It’s no problem.”
I tilt my head toward the couches in the living room. “Let’s get started then?”
“Of course.” She slides off the stool with her drink and bag in hand.
Feeling Holden’s gaze on me, I glance at him and mouth, “Sorry.”
He shrugs as if to say, “No worries.”
He pushes a plate filled with scrambled eggs and fruit across the island. “For you.”
Something warm blooms in my chest. While it feels forbidden, it doesn’t feel wrong.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Stormy runs to him, probably knowing he’s become a primary food provider. “I’ll take this monster out for a run.”
As if she knows he’s talking about her, she stands on her hind legs and puts her front legs on his chest, reveling in the rubdown she’s getting with a lolling tongue hanging out of her mouth.
Oh, I feel ya.
Holden’s words finally register. “You’re leaving right now?”
He studies me then nods. “Jax will stay with you.”
My chest tightens. What if something happens while Holden’s gone?
Tell him.
No, I can’t. I don’t want him to worry.
I smile widely and say, “Of course. No problem. I’ll see you soon,” like everything is normal. I pretend I don’t feel less safe without him around, and that we also didn’t just almost make out in my bed less than half an hour ago.
Everything’s just peachy, thank you very much.
He scrutinizes me. “Will you be okay? We’ll be back soon.”
I immediately turn into a bobblehead. “Yup. Yes. All good. Definitely.”
What are you doing?
I hightail it to Heather, who’s already settled on the gray two-seater.
Somebody open up a black hole for me, please. Why am I suddenly so awkward around him? He hasn’t even kissed me or touched me.
Holden leaves with Stormy, and Jax slips into the condo.
And I plop down on the couch beside Heather and empty half of my drink. Maybe some sugar will help cure me of this mess I’ve turned into.