Knives are bad. Really, really bad.
He notices where my attention is and twirls it between his fingers.
“What do you think, baby? I got it just for you. I know how much blood play turns you on.” His voice is low and thick with lust.
Holden’s chest vibrates underneath my touch. I’m actually surprised he hasn’t pushed me out of the way yet.
The intruder’s dick jumps in excitement, and my entire body tenses. Because I’m trying so hard to appear calm on the outside, I’m a mess on the inside. My chest is burning. Beads of cold sweat run down my neck and back. Nausea is an abhorrent passenger in my stomach. My blood pressure isn’t anywhere near healthy, and my mind is spinning out of control with worry and anger at the forefront.
I want to crumble to the floor and have a good cry. But I also want to charge him like Xena, the warrior princess, so this is all over.
One thing is clear: this guy drank the wrong Kool-Aid.
A nervous laugh escapes my lips while I try to figure out how to continue this. Especially since Holden is pressing harder against my hand, his patience running out. I probably don’t have much time left before he takes over. “Was . . . was the place empty when you got here?”
The intruder hums, his features switching to concern. “Aww, I’m sorry. Are you worried about your girl? Why didn’t you say so? I put her in the studio so she won’t interrupt our alone time. That’s what you wanted me to do, right?”
The studio. Thesoundproofstudio. Of course.
My relief is so severe that my knees give out for a moment.
Thankfully, Holden keeps me upright with his firm grip.
I glance at him, giving him my best He’s-all-yours-look.
Knowing Holden will take care of the guy, I don’t waste another second and run toward the room a few doors down.
Satisfying grunts and wails sound behind me just as I reach my destination.
I open the door, and seventy-five pounds of fur land on me before I can blink. I fall back and dig my hands into it, happily accepting all the kisses. “Oh, sweet girl. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Olivia!” Holden approaches and mumbles. “Holy shit, our little Stormy.”
At the sound of his voice, my girl stares up. After a moment of hesitation, she leaps straight toward him. He catches her exactly like he did when she was still a puppy. Holden and I were still friends back then. If we were ever actually friends.
But that doesn’t matter now. He helped me out big time back then, and I shouldn’t have expected anything beyond that. Now, if I could just stop being so angry every time he’s around, that would be helpful.
Mybig Alaskan malamute licks him all over his idiotic, handsome face, and he chuckles.
Stormy clearly doesn’t hold a grudge against him. I think she should have at least made him grovel with some treats first. But I guess that’s just me. Not that he could ever offer me anything to forgive him. He can burn in hell for all I care.
With a sigh, I get up and brush off my pants.
I avert my gaze, unfortunately catching sight of the naked guy. For a second, I told myself it was just a bad dream. His body is half in and half out of the bedroom, and thankfully, his junk is hidden from this angle.
“Is he . . . is he dead?”
Holden sighs. “Sadly not. I didn’t think you’d want to deal with a murder in your home, so I only knocked him out.” He sounds genuinely upset about that. “But we should probablyrestrain him and call the cops. Do you want me to get a hold of the detective I know?”
I hate relying on others, but this isn’t a normal circumstance. “Yes, please.”
Holden’s still holding Stormy to his chest like she’s a small child rather than a full-grown-ass dog. He brushes his hand down her back and smirks at me. “Look who can be a good girl and say please.”
Don’t get that knife and kill him.
You still need him.
He knows the cops and can deal with this mess a lot quicker.