Page 49 of Tangled in Vows

Evie claps her hands, an extra-wide smile adorning her face. “Well, everyone. Let’s get set up so we can start.”

She gives me an imploring glance, and I get the distinct feeling she’s trying to convey a million things to me right now likeThere are kids around, and you guys look like you’re going to start humping on the floor any second,or, I’m sorry, but if you don’t throw me a bone soon, I’m going to explode.

Although can I blame her? If the roles were reversed, I’d be dying from curiosity too.

I stare at my friend as she ushers the kids along, giving them instructions and telling them we’ll be there in a minute. After all these years, Evie is the first person I consider telling everything that happened. I mean, would it really be so bad to talk to her about it?

Evie turns toward us and points her finger at Holden, who’s still standing way too close.

“Can you give us a moment, please?”

Holden sighs and lets go of me, but not before he drags his hand across my middle. I have to lock my jaw to keep from shuddering.

He leaves, walking straight toward Jamie, whose face contorts into pure horror. Holden reaches him and puts him intoa headlock. To my surprise, Jamie only freezes for a few seconds before he twists and hits Holden’s torso wherever he can reach.

Evie chuckles. “These boys.”

Holden laughs too and releases Jamie, pulling the teen closer with an arm around his shoulders. He says something to him we can’t hear, and they both smile.

“You haven’t seen him teach the kids self-defense, have you?” Evie asks.

I shake my head and keep watching Holden and the group of kids which has gathered around him. “No, we’ve never been here at the same time.”

She hums under her breath. “He’s probably the most hands-on with the kids. Phoenix helps sometimes too, but he’s mostly been focusing on teaching them about business and life skills. Holden wants to make sure they feel safe, no matter where they are. This means a lot to him.”

The lump in my throat constricts my breathing until I swallow it down. Since I’m unsure how much she knows about Holden’s past, about his mom and sister, and the ever-revolving door of men in their lives, I only say, “He’s a good guy.”

And I mean that. Even when I hate him, there’s no denying he’s good at his core. Otherwise, he would have never helped me in a situation where most people would have turned their back on me. Holden matched my crazy without ever asking for anything in return, no matter how much I wanted to repay him. I wish that knowledge was enough to take away the anger and resentment that’s been part of me ever since he left me, but sadly, it only intensifies the feelings.

What could have made him walk out on me the way he did without ever looking back? Thinking I’m not even worth an explanation? Did he somehow find out what happened to me before I met him and he was so repulsed he didn’t want to stay in my company for even a second longer?

There hasn’t been a single ounce of malice, disgust, or anger emanating from him since he’s been back in your life.

What could it be then?

The questions keep spinning in my head, making me dizzy. But it doesn’t add up, no matter how hard I think about it. Or am I just too blind to see it?

With every passing second I spend in his company, the need to know what happened grows, making it hard to focus on much else. Maybe it’s time for me to finally rip off that Band-Aid and discover why he left.

I mean, how bad could it be?

Chapter 16


Day 455 without you: I heard you on the radio for the first time today, and I wish I could tell you how proud I am of you.

“Dude, are we doing this or what?” Archer bumps his shoulder into mine while Olivia starts another song. “Well, fuck me. Never mind.”

I chuckle because I know exactly what he means. Getting enough of Olivia’s singing in this intimate setting is impossible. With Evie accompanying her on the piano, her raw voice cascades through the large room with effortless beauty. She’s magnetic, her voice perfectly portraying the emotions and vibes of each song, going from light and breathy to full and vibrant in the blink of an eye. Her range is imposing, and her robust and velvety voice wraps around everyone in the audience.

And to think I’ve missed out on this before because I avoided the Fox Hideout every time I knew the two women would be here. I thought it would make things easier for all of us.

The music picks up momentum, and I belatedly realize what she’s singing. Her first single.Mysong.With her eyes closed and one hand loosely placed on the black piano, she presses her other one against her chest as if she’s trying to keep it from breaking open.

She builds up to the chorus, and I swallow, knowing exactly what comes next. Her voice rings out loud and strong as she sings,“No matter how much I hate you, I’d hate it more if I’d never met you.”

Her eyes open, her glassy gaze immediately finding mine, repeating the last line. This time, it’s almost a whisper, her voice breaking, so full of sorrow and despair my chest clenches, crushed in a vise. My throat tightens painfully, not letting up until she averts her gaze.