His gaze shifts to Olivia, and he’s not even trying to hide the unmistakable appreciation in his eyes, practically smoldering at her.
“Chase,” I growl his name.
“What?” He lifts his hand in mock surrender. “I didn’t do anything.”
This guy would never feel guilty for checking out a woman or a man, even if they’re married. He once told me it would bea shame not to appreciate all the beautiful people in this world. And while I understand his sentiment, I don’t want him openly checking out Olivia.
“Olivia, this is Chase, one of my security guys.” The second the words are out of my mouth, I realize I slipped. Shit. She knows I work in security, but not that I’m the boss of the security company. I pretend it didn’t happen and continue, “Chase, this is Olivia.”
He grins like this is the best day of his life. “Your wife.”
I nod. “Yes, my wife.”
He rolls his bottom teeth over his lip, clearly enjoying this.
This guy is like a brother to me. But just like a brother, he’d better watch himself if he wants to keep all his teeth.
Olivia holds out her hand. “Hey, nice to meet you.”
Chase takes her hand in both of his. “Trust me, the pleasure is all mine.”
I draw Olivia closer to me so she’s out of his grasp. “Where’s Arch?”
Chase checks his watch. “He should still be in the back room with Damien.”
“Got it, thanks.” I grab Olivia’s hand and walk down the hallway that houses the rooms the fighters get ready in, giving Chase a wide berth.
Because he’s a lunatic, he chuckles at my behavior.
“Bye, Olivia. It was nice meeting you.”
“You too,” Olivia rasps. “Holden, why are we running?”
“Sorry.” I slow down so she can walk comfortably. “I just don’t want to miss Archer before his fight.”
“Archer?” She pauses. “The same Archer from back then?”
“Yes.” Crap. I didn’t think this through.
Even though I tried to keep Olivia away from anything dark or illegal back then, it didn’t take her long to talk me into takingher to one of my fights. One turned into several, so of course, she’s met Archer and some of the other guys in the past.
She stays quiet while my thoughts are circling. Tonight was supposed to be an easy night out, just like all the other times I come here to watch a fight or visit the different clubs. But this is challenging.
Nothing is easy about being so close to Olivia and suppressing the constant urge to pull her closer. To wrap my arms around her. To shove my hands into her soft strands and suck on her plump lips the way I’ve dreamed about so many times. To worship her perfect body and finally get my first taste of her sweet pussy. To fuck her into tomorrow until we both forget all the issues we’re dealing with.
Instead, the more intertwined our worlds get, the closer she gets to finding out what I did.
Wait until it all implodes in your face, and you’ll never see her again.
“Keep your head down,” I whisper, and we turn to walk down the much busier hallway where Archer’s room is.
Oddly enough, she complies, letting her hair fall onto her face.
I knock on the door five times in a specific rhythm. Voices drift through the wood, followed by the lock disengaging and the door opening a crack.
Damien fills the frame and grins when our gazes meet. “Look who the cat dragged in.”