Page 28 of Tangled in Vows

She’s still in her last outfit, a black dress that ends around the knees. It’s not as tight as the red number, but this one shows more cleavage. My cock has long given up the fight and is officially noticing every single thing about her. That means she’s only allowed to wear oversized sweatpants and sweatshirts from now on. Preferably mine.

Nisha turns to me, and it takes great effort to focus on her. “I overheard you talk to Jax earlier about going to Onyx Luxeclub tonight, right?”

I don’t like people knowing my whereabouts. “Yeah. Why?”

Olivia stiffens. “You’re leaving me alone tonight?”

I shake my head. “Of course not. Jax will be with you.”

Olivia’s expression doesn’t change with my statement. Her brows are still furrowed, her lips pinched. Is she worried something might happen if I’m not there, or why does she seem so unhappy?

I try to reassure her, “I promise Jax will keep you safe.”

Olivia swallows and casts her gaze away from me, looking at the ground instead.

Nisha laughs nervously. “Sorry, I thought you guys had talked about this. I just thought it would be an easy opportunity for you two to be seen together for a few good PR pictures. Some dancing and hanging out, you know?”

I hate leaving Olivia, even for a couple of hours, but I promised Archer I’d be there tonight. Knowing Jax will keep her safe is the only reason I’m going at all.

If I thought Olivia would like to come along, I would have asked her. But I thought that was the last thing she wanted. Not just because it would mean spending more time with me than necessary, but this has also been one hell of a week for her. And that was before more was added to the shit list with the flowers and note earlier.

I’m still staring at Olivia, waiting to see what she says, but she stays quiet. So I do too.

Nisha prompts, “What do you think, Olivia? We could also set up something for another day. I just thought it would be a breeze since Holden’s already going anyway, and you already got your hair and makeup done.”

Olivia finally glances up, her gaze unreadable, neutral. “I guess we could do that, if Holden is okay with it. I don’t want to screw up his plans.”

Her mask slips at the last word, and my brain is trying to solve the puzzle that is Olivia. Is she mad? Worried about hersafety? It can’t be because I’m going out without her, right? That’s impossible.

I was trying to respect her wish to stay away from me. Plus, my reason for going to the club isn’t exactly the heartwarming press moment the higher-ups are going for either. But I guess I have to be more careful about what I’m doing or where I’m seen. People might try to get dirt on me to paint Olivia in a bad light.

“Holden?” Nisha raises a brow. “What do you say?”

I ignore her and focus only on Olivia. “Do you actually want to go? Otherwise, we can figure out something less loud and public in a few days.”

She narrows her eyes at me, accentuating the sensual way her long lashes frame her eyes. Then she licks her lips, clearly trying to kill me on the spot.

No, you can’t get hard right now. I know she’s fucking hot, and you want her lipstick all over you, but bad timing. Worst timing, really.

My cock practically whimpers behind my zipper, but getting hard in public with so many eyes on us is a terrible idea.

Olivia shifts on her feet. “Nisha is right, I already have my hair and makeup done, so why not get it over with?”

Well, there goes my happy cock, becauseouch.

I’m still unsure how anyone will believe we’re happily married. Olivia’s eyes are basically full of daggers whenever she looks my way.

But I guess we’re going to do this. I swallow down the irritation and nod. “I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”

Nisha smiles as if we just had a pleasant conversation. “Great. I’ll make some calls, too, to ensure some good photographers will be there. Olivia, if you’re hungry, there’s some food in the trailer. Heather ordered something from your favorite Italian restaurant.”

Surprisingly, that puts a genuine smile on Olivia’s face. “Thank goodness. I’m starving.”

“Perfect. Have fun tonight.” Nisha heads away, her eyes already glued to her phone.

At least one of us is happy.

Olivia turns away too, but I grab her arm and pull her toward me.