I pocket my phone, my gaze never once straying from Olivia.
I’ve always thought she was beautiful. Even when I met her, and she was dressed in the most unflattering clothes. But this . . .her. . . right now, she’s an absolute vision in the red dress she’s wearing. It covers most of her body, leaving only her forearms and one of her shoulders exposed like a little tease. But it’s tight around her chest and hips, and the hint of cleavage she’s showing doesn’t go unnoticed by my dick either.
Add her matching pouty red lips, dark eye makeup, and brown curls, and she’s a walking wet dream.
My brain has officially short-circuited.
Well, at least it’s distracting you from the other crap.
Jax whistles softly next to me, and I spin to glare at him. “You’re happily married.”
He presses his lips together so hard they turn white. But I see the twitch in his right cheek.
After a moment, he says, “Yes, but I can still appreciate beauty when I see it.”
“Well, don’t, or I’ll tell Daniel.”
He only shrugs, clearly not bothered by my threat.
My feet carry me toward Olivia, unable to stay away for a second longer.
I approach, and her mouth parts. Damn it, those full lips. Would they taste as good as they look?
Don’t go down that rabbit hole. She hates your guts and will never let you near her.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” At least I can still talk, so there’s that.
She shrugs, worry and fear slipping through her neutral expression. Then her mask is back in place.
I check that no one is within hearing distance. “We need to talk about what happened.”
“Fine.” I open my mouth to say more, having this inexplicable need to be near her longer, but the photographer is calling her.
Unease emanates from her as she scans her surroundings and brushes her hands over her dress. “I better go.”
I can’t wait to get her home. No, not home, but back to her condo, where I know she’ll be safe.
You wish you could take her home.
I do.
Hopefully, she’ll consider my offer to move out of the city.
I catch one more glimpse of her big eyes before she walks away. I try not to let my gaze drop to her round ass, but I fail miserably. That dress is practically molded to her generous curves, showing the entire world what a walking temptation she is. I both hate and love that millions of people will be able to appreciate her this way once the magazine releases.
The next few hours are a series of “Olivia, shift a bit to the left,” “Beautiful, Olivia,” “Sway your hips some more,” “Look over your shoulder at me,” and “Happy thoughts, Olivia.”
She struggled with the last one the most and needed several prompts until the photographer was satisfied. Her team kept rushing around her, doing touch-ups on her makeup, fixing her hair and wardrobe, and handing her drinks and snacks. After a few outfit changes, someone finally yells, “All done.”
Olivia thanks everyone and heads toward the trailer. I stay close.
Nisha heads in the same direction and calls for Olivia, who stops by the steps in front of the white trailer.
“Good job today, sweetie. The photos will be stunning.”
Olivia gives her a small smile. “Thank you.”