How the hell did that slip through? “So you’re saying we’re still married because of some clerical error?”
Nisha purses her lips. “That’s what it seems like.”
I blow out a breath and watch Olivia as she rocks back and forth.
My chest tightens at the sight. Similar to before, I want to pull her into my arms and tell her everything will be okay. To make things better. To soothe her.
I want to be her anchor the way I once was—the person to keep her safe and grounded—even when the waves are crashing down around us.
Olivia jumps up and paces around the room as if she heard my thoughts aloud.
My stomach clenches, but I push the disappointment away.
Of course she doesn’t want my comfort anymore.
But my body has a mind of its own, and I stand too. “We’ll figure this out. I’m sure it’s a quick fix.”
Nisha makes a strange sound at that, and I frown at her. Neither the grimace nor her firm headshake give me good vibes. She means business.
She averts her gaze, which is souring my mood even more.
“What is it, Nisha? Please do us all a favor and just spit it out.” I try to keep my tone friendly, but with Olivia still pacing a hole in the floor and the bomb that was just dropped on us, I’m feeling a bit prickly.
Olivia stops at my words, and we both stare at her publicist, setting down her glass on the coffee table, successfully avoiding our questioning glances.
She swallows and nods. “Like I said, I contacted you right after the news blew up and headed over here. On the way, Wanda called me after she got a call from the higher-ups. They said they don’t care how we spin this, but they don’t want any more bad press from you. There has been enough damage to your image between the leaked underwear pics last year, followed by the drunken pics and other unfortunate ones, leading to the break-in last night and now this.”
Olivia crosses her arms and shouts, “But none of those things were my fault.”
My frustration mirrors her own, and I want to lash out.
But I know I can’t do that. I take several breaths, forcibly trying to rein in my emotions.
Just the mention of the underwear pics has me grinding my teeth. They were leaked right before the concert we attended last year, and our entire group overheard Olivia’s manager, Gavin, tell her that pictures of her in her underwear weren’t a biggie. That they weren’t even nudes. That someone took them from a hotel room across the street wasn’t a concern for him either.
Gavin wasn’t her manager for long after. A little bribe and a good threat later, and Wanda took over his position. She hasn’t been able to stop all the other incidents Nisha mentioned, but at least she’s treated Olivia with respect and human decency.
I definitely need a good workout once we’ve dealt with this. Someone will pay for this, even if it’s a dummy or my body.
Nisha focuses on Olivia, and her expression softens. “I know, sweetie. But they don’t care. They only care about the numbers and how the negative publicity affects them and their bottom line.”
My hands flex. The irritation in my bloodstream slowly morphs into something more. Something murderous.
No, you can’t find the execs and wring their necks.
Olivia needs you, and we know you’re no good to her when you’re in jail.
That thought gave me the proverbial slap on the head I needed. This isn’t about me. Even with this distance between us, Olivia still needs me. She needs to be kept safe and taken care of.
And who is better at that than me?
Olivia’s breath falters, a slight kink in her armor. “What exactly do they expect us to do?”
“They want you to stay married until this blows over and the next album is out.”
Utter silence.
I’m supposed to stay married to Olivia. The thought settles in my brain, and a small thrill of excitement rushes through me.