Page 17 of Tangled in Vows

And now I have Evie too. Somehow, she barreled straight through my walls, as if they never existed in the first place, but I’m not mad about it.

I let those thoughts take over and soothe the anger and hurt in my heart. With some effort, I blink away the tears and open my clenched hands, refocusing on the man in front of me.

“Sorry, what?” My voice isn’t friendly, but it isn’t hostile either.

He seems taken aback by the change, and I don’t blame him. Since he first popped back into my life, all of our interactionshave been full of murderous tension. But it’s exhausting.I’mexhausted. Especially after what happened last night. Even knowing I was safe with Holden here, I woke up to every noise and the constant possibility of another stranger breaking into my condo.

Unsurprisingly, Holden eyes me with suspicion. “Can you give me a moment to get ready? I’m coming with you.”

I knew he wouldn’t let me go alone, so I shrug. “Okay.”

He tilts his head to the side. “Okay?”

A sigh slips past my lips. “Yes, Holden. I’ll wait.”

He studies me like he’s worried I might sprint away the first chance I get. His stance finally relaxes, and he backs away from me. The additional space between us allows me my first real look at him this morning in his tight black T-shirt and dark-gray sweatpants.

“Are you wearing different clothes?”

Holden puts a hand on his chest. “Aww, you noticed. That’s so sweet.”

It takes all my willpower to keep from rolling my eyes at him.

It’s easy to keep my distance from him if he’s avoiding me just the same, or even if he’s his tough and intense bodyguard persona. But his playful side comes out, and I have to work extra hard to keep the lines between us in check. It reminds me too much of how things used to be. Of what I lost.

Stormy uses that instant to bark. Glad for the distraction, I turn to her. “Yes, girl. I know. I’m not the problem here.” To Holden, I say, “Hurry up.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He grabs a few things from the couch and disappears into the bathroom.

I pass the time by getting some much-needed snuggles from Stormy. When Holden reappears, his hair is pulled back into a neat bun, and he’s wearing a hoodie and sneakers.

We’re like a casual couple going for a Sunday walk with our dog. Just great. That’s exactly what I needed. The paparazzi will flip their lids.

I can already see the headlines: “Is Olivia Parker Off the Market? She and her handsome mystery man looked cozy as they went on a romantic stroll in the park.”

Are you sure you’re not projecting a little?

Also, it’s fascinating how “handsome” popped up again when thinking about Holden.

Ugh, I hate my brain.

Regardless, I don’t have a choice. Luke is still in the hospital and won’t be back for a while, and Stormy needs to get out to do her business. And after what happened last night, I’m not stupid enough to leave the house alone. With a groan, I put on my sunglasses and open the door. I see the two men by the door and start, but then I remember the officers are here as extra safety measures.

Once we’re in the foyer, I glance at Holden. “I hope you’re ready for this.”

“Ready for what?”

“You’ll see.” With a tight grip on the leash, and my sunglasses and hat covering half my face, I step through the revolving doors.

Only a handful of paparazzi are waiting, and after a quick smile, I lower my gaze. The questions come, but I tune them out. I have to.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of the men come closer, but Holden steps between us.

“Hey, back off. Give Miss Parker some space.”

“Who are you?” The short man’s voice is shaky.

“Miss Parker’s new security, so I’ll only ask once more. Back off.”