“The hit is for next weekend. That’s all I know. It was supposed to be done in whichever way possible, as long as it’s done and recorded for proof.”
Archer is by my side, and Zeno narrows his eyes at me. “What the fuck is going on?”
“I wish I knew.” I blow out a breath, my brain reeling from the news.
Marco got a hit order on me. He’s supposed to kill me in one week. One. Week. My brain circles around that tidbit and the possibility that my life could be done in mere days. The next day is never guaranteed, but having someone tell you exactly when you should cease to exist hits differently.
At least the hit isn’t on Olivia.
The mere thought of not being with her anymore causes utter devastation to course through me so violently my knees almostbuckle. A wave of cold sweat rolls down my spine at the idea of having that imagined life with her ripped away from me.
Pressure builds in my chest, followed by a wave of dizziness, I realize it’s because I stopped breathing. The dizziness subsides, giving room to an all-body numbness until a firm hand clutches my shoulder.
Archer is getting in my face, patting my cheek. “Nothing will happen to you, you hear me? I got everything we need for now, and Zeno will get us the rest later. Let’s go home.”
Home. To Olivia. To my wife.
He says something to Zeno and pushes me toward the door. The second we step into the hallway, several gunshots ring from inside the room.
Zeno catches my gaze. “Everyone who’s been working with him will be dealt with. This time, we won’t keep a leaf unturned.”
I focus on my breathing, and by the time we slip into the alley, my brain has mostly restarted. Anger has taken over, pushing aside the overwhelming shock and sorrow that wanted to swallow me whole.
I’m so sick of this shit. Of feeling like someone else is pulling the strings and having more control of my life than I do. It doesn’t matter which corner we turn; the puzzle only gets more complicated.
Nothing ever seems to be within our grasp, and I’m done with this game. I’m not a damn puppet, and this isn’t over until I say so.
No one touches my wife or me. Whoever tries anyway has to die.
Chapter 41
Anything would be better than what my mind is putting me through.
Holden is supposed to die. Holden has a hit on him.
The words spin in my head without giving me any reprieve. They have ever since he came home last week and told me about it.
I turn in bed, hating that I’m back at my apartment instead of the house I now consider home. Unfortunately, coming here was unavoidable with everything going on.
Footsteps sound in the hallway, and my brain is immediately on high alert.
I’m okay. Everything is going to be okay.
I repeat the mantra over and over until I believe it. Ihaveto believe it.
Voices filter in through the slightly ajar door.
“Thanks so much for stopping by to check on her, Heather.” Evie’s voice is low but loud enough for me to hear. “She’s been beside herself since Holden disappeared.”
“Poor thing, I can imagine. The two of them have been so cute together. Having your other half leave you in any capacity is unimaginable.”
Evie sighs. “Yeah, she’s barely been eating or sleeping, which is why I’m so happy she finally passed out earlier.”
“That’s good.” Heather’s voice is gentle, matching Evie’s tone.
“And you’re sure you’re okay staying here while I run to the store quickly? It shouldn’t take me longer than half an hour. I want to make sure there’s food when she wakes up. They took most of the food the day they moved her into Holden’s house.”