After lying Olivia on top of the sheets, I pull off her leggings, groaning once I see she isn’t wearing any underwear. I’m glad I didn’t know, or movie time could have become awkward.
I lower her T-shirt, cover her with the blanket, and join her.
Even in her sleepy state, she immediately snuggles against me.
With her in my arms, it’s easy to forget someone’s out there who wants to harm her. But the worry never stays away for long, terrifying me. Olivia is this beautiful soul, this resilient person. What could she have possibly done to deserve this?
Since the charity concert is in a week, we need to find the answers to all those questions very soon.
Hopefully, tomorrow’s meeting with Zeno will shed some light on the situation. We need something; anything that’s not waiting around without a single lead because that’s been torture. At this point, I’m not sure if I want to bury the guy who’s responsible for all of this shit at first sight or make him suffer first.
Chapter 40
Day 1498 without you: I tried not to think about you today to see if it would work. It didn’t.
“We’re here.”
Archer’s voice drags me out of my thoughts. Thankfully, it took us less than an hour to get to the building where we’re meeting Zeno because I hate every second away from Olivia. I know Jax and the other guys are keeping her as safe as they can, and she also just texted me a cute photo of herself and Stormy outside, but being away from her while some psycho has her on his radar just doesn’t sit well with me.
After sending her a quick message back, I pocket my phone and grab the door handle. “Let’s get this over with. The sooner we’re done, the better.”
We parked in the back alley as instructed, and before we’re even out of the car, the side door to the building opens. Even if I didn’t know who’s waiting for us, the black hair and ice-blue eyes would have been a dead giveaway. Zeno isn’t just one large motherfucker, but the steel in his gaze is enough to keep some cowards at bay, without him ever having to utter a single word.
Even when we were younger, I saw my fair share of opponents throw fights prior to ever setting foot in the ring with this guy. Although, his brutal reputation might have been a reason for that.
“Good to see you guys.” Zeno reaches out a hand, and we take turns shaking it.
“Ditto.” I give him a nod. “I appreciate you helping us.”
“Well, let’s see where this meeting will get us.”
Although Archer traced Marco to the people who shot at us, Zeno found the ex-Mafia man for us so we could question him. We follow our old friend past several office doors, down a set of stairs, and to the end of the corridor.
He pushes the door open, and we march into the unfinished basement.
Several heads turn our way.
I’m not sure who’s who, but considering there’s a group of two and a group of five, I assume the duo is Marco plus one of his guys, while the others are Zeno’s men.
The guy with slicked-back, dark oily hair narrows his eyes at us before spitting out, “Who are they, Zeno? I thought we’d keep this on the down-low. I’m cooperating, aren’t I? You said you wanted to talk, and I’m here. And now you bring in outsiders?”
Zeno shrugs as though he doesn’t have a care in the world. “They have some questions for you.”
So that weasel is Marco.
My chest is heaving with barely restrained fury, and I have to clench my hands into fists to keep from murdering the man right here on the spot.
“I didn’t agree to that,” Marco sneers at us. “Don’t fuck with me.”
Zeno walks straight to the man and squares off with him. “Or what,stronzo?”
Having Zeno call him an asshole and get in his face seems to change Marco’s attitude. He immediately raises his hands and takes a significant step back. “Nothing, nothing. It’s all good.”
Zeno turns to us and tilts his head in a “come here, he’s all yours” motion.
Archer and I comply. I stay quiet, knowing better than to show my cards to someone I don’t know.